Just look at this magnificent glass palace in the High Modernist style. It is vast but completely empty; also it is modeled after a chicken foot. Perhaps it is
a Memory Palace for amnesiacs, designed to remind the occupant of one crucial datum: not to eat the deep-fried chicken feet next time he has Yum Cha for lunch.
Alternatively, that his name is Harry.

For your further architectural edification,
here is a vast modern building in the shape of a typewriter. The intention, I assume, is to encourage the monkeys labouring away inside to produce the Complete Works of Shakespeare, so that they do not lose their initial idealistic enthusiasm.
In other news,
Riddled is now in a position to satisfy all your
brief-academic-papers-about-memory-palaces needs:
Let me take this opportunity to thank all the little people who made this possible.
UPDATE. In answer to
Yastreblyansky in comments: an Arcology is a very large building with a self-contained ecology and a high population density, built in the shape of a rainbow.
Sodding conceptual architects.
I see that I may rent your interesting article for a day. Do I have to return it cleaned, with the tank full, and may I smoke whilst perusing? Does your insurance cover stains incurred, or should I take out supplementary cover?
Without architectural edifii, we'd have no efifii at all,,, says I.
I suppose the Syracuse Smith building is a witty evocation of Giuseppe Sacconi's monument to Vittorio Emanuele II in Rome? http://www.oltremagazine.com/?id_articolo=54
I don't think you've told us what arcology is yet.
Is not an ark a floating arcology?
Kudos for the Kliban!
here is a vast modern building in the shape of a typewriter.
Needs more Batman.
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