Fast-forward two decades, and a new generation of brave maverick researchers are broaching the possibility of inhomogeneities in the geographic distribution of the genes of supremacy, undeterred by the orthodoxy of geneticists and anthropologists and palaeontologists. You probably haven’t heard of these human-biodiversity heretics, for the cowled monks of the Inquisition were swift to mobilise (they may have been spent the intervening years slumbering in the crypt of a cathedral somewhere) and they went all “Some questions are NOT TO BE ASKED” again, suppressing this new just-asking-questions crowd to the point that they have to hire a hall at UCL for their conferences.
Rare portrayal of Smut not ranting
So in the case of this recurring oppression of
The geographical taxonomy of human variation presented in "Breeds of Man" was already dated then (Cavalli-Sforza had published The Genetics of Human Populations in 1971) and it has not aged well. De Camp set out expecting to conclude that the mavericks were right and "equality" is a sentimental shibboleth of liberalism; that heredity is paramount and intelligence is determined by the geographical location of one's ancestors. But then he encountered the greater claims of environment, and ended up accepting that the Equality doctrinaires were right all along (though probably for the wrong reasons), so he gets many cookies for intellectual integrity.

I hang onto a copy of the April 1976 Analog as it continued the serialisation of 'Children of Dune', with the Schoenherr illustrations, and I am a sucker for nostalgia.
Must credit Emma and B^4 for contributions in an earlier comment thread.
Ya know, I have found a lot of old pulp magazines at, and the Rosicrucian society had a shitton of ads in the them- I bet these are what DeCamp is referencing.
DeCamp was largely rejected by latter-day nerds because of his unflattering portrayal of Robert E. Howard, and his substandard Conan pastiches. If the Sad/Rabid Puppies brigade knew that he was into EvoPsych bafflegab, he might earn their love.
I need a link!
This is a good place to start:
I will hunt down other links as well.
RIP Cavalli-Sforza.
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