The lists of NEU Faculty and Fellows are no disappointment, every bit the toxic-waste-dump of garbage that I expected. One and all they are triumphant in their personal realms of endeavour, and like Prosperity-Gospel televangelists and e-mail spammers, their altruism inspires them to share the secret of their success [SPOILER ALERT: I am going to speculate that the secret is "Lie non-stop to greed-head eedjits and persuade them to send you their money"].

Both lists are walls of mood-ring-bedizened avatars, giving prominent place to
"That solicitor should be struck off the Rolls," Keats said.
The presence of Walsh is our reminder that NEU! is yet another branch within the organisational structure of grift set up by "Sacha" Stone -- failed rock musician and broad-spectrum conman with a diversified scampire of webshops. We met it previously in the context of Sacha's "2019 New Earth Festival" / "World Health Sovereignty Summit" (a kind of Fyre Festival for trustafarian Truthers who enjoy being lectured about Fraudster Freedom by a clown-car cavalcade of mountebanks).
Like the Faculty, the Fellows are what Orac would call a "target-rich environment". But the Charlatan Charivari must remain an exercise for the reader*, for right now I turn my indistractible laser-like focus upon 'Bibi' Bacchus, from the Faculty of

In this 40-min. debut-filmed interview (2018) with NewEarth founder Sacha Stone, Bibi Bacchus gives you an introductory explanation of the basics of UCC and “how to kill and then own YOUR strawman.”Strawman? WTF?
"It is a new school of psychotherapy," Another Kiwi vouchsafed. "The route to personal development is to accept the various aspects and personifications of your unconscious self -- the Strawman, the Tin-man, the Little Dog, the Cowardly Lion -- and integrate them into a three-dimensional, individuated personality."
"Not quite," I declaimed in full Explaining Voice, leaning forward with elbows on the bar so I could steeple my fingers in a gesture of introspective thought. "The Strawman is one of the multiple aspects of Self-dom which populate the Sovereign-Citizen legal belief-system. Just as Dynastic Egyptians had multiple souls -- the Ba and Ka and Akh and Shadow and Name -- which go separate ways with different roles after corporeal death." I tried to ignore the bar-top puddle of cold spillage in which one elbow had landed.
So it is a tenet of Natural Law that to prevail in court appearances and rid oneself of pesky tax and debt obligations, one must separate these aspects, while attaching those obligations firmly to the most dispensable one, the legal-fiction not-me.
And for full effect (according to the farthest reaches of evolving SovCit theology), the invocations of voluntary jurisprudence and incantations for dispelling Statute Law must be couched in Quantum Syntax. That is, sentences should be enlivened by Erratic Capitalisation and colons as a punctuational index of which self is indicated.** Here's a sample. Isn't it glorious? I like to think that when reading these statements out loud in courtrooms, you utter Khoisan click consonants to indicate each colon, hyphen and square bracket, in the manner of Victor Borges' Phonetic Punctuation.

Leonardo Edwards evidently sells a book on the secrets of Quantum Syntax [Judges hate it!] as a Get-out-of-Jail-Free card to wannabee scammers. This has aroused animus from other SovCit conmen who reckon that they are the only scammers with the right to defraud wannabee scammers by selling them :Miller's book, and they would like to believe in courts so they could take Mr Edwards to one.
Previously, Leonardo was just another bleach peddler, a disciple of Archbishop Humble with a poison-pimp webstore peddling
As a gesture of honesty he shut down the "Leonardo's Healing Space" webshop, then opened two new versions elsewhere. But his heart is not really in the MMS industry, and the Bleach-Enema Sacrament no longer dominates his Faceborg timeline... I can only suppose that the Victims-of-Baby-Snatching grift and the SovCit scam are more lucrative. One would have thought that the best advertisement for a book about winning courtroom battles with Colons and Capitals would be to go back home and win back custody, but that's just me.
As for Another Kiwi's Oz-themed school of psychotherapy, I understand that he has franchised it under the slogan "Pay attention to the Man behind the Curtain!"
[Must credit comments at Hoaxtead Research for inspiration]
[Nordfors at the 2nd GcMAF "Immunology Conference"]
* One could start with Mikael Nordfors, "a medical doctor currently working with holistic treatment of cancer, psychiatric problems and pain conditions in Copenhagen, Denmark. ... Besides being a medical doctor and author, Mikael has also composed music and interpreted classical masterpieces on synthesizers."Nordfors had his snout in the GcMAF trough for a while, but that seems to have dropped off from his CV and he has switched to the Ozone Therapy scam.
** Eg.
The common theme among these groups of litigants, who Mr. Justice Rooke collectively refers to as "Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument litigants," is that they believe themselves to be privy to some secret legal principles which allow them to evade the normal rules and regulations that bind every other member of civil society. These people — and I have encountered them in my practice — drape themselves in cobbled-together pseudolegal verbiage and concepts, such as describing themselves as "corporate entities" or "juristic persons," claiming copyright over their own names and spelling their names with add-on hyphens and colons (the husband in the case before Mr. Justice Rooke, for example, referred to himself as "::Dennis-Larry:Meads::"), and filing bogus pseudolegal documents festooned with gibberish and meaningless symbols, such as thumbprints, multicoloured ink, pompous phrases set in capital letters, stamps and references to inapplicable, foreign or repealed statutes.
Bleach drinking... SovCit... have any of these grifters embraced the QAnon conspiracy theory?
I use mms many years and you are a liar and prob work for the New World Order..Lie to someoone else sellout!
Why deliberately call it industrial bleach tell these guible pplthe details its called mms2 in pureform but two other ways are very well mentioned mms1 and the gas mixed in water call msm. I knew about it for many years and use it to this day. Its dangerous if u dnt do what all ppl do with anything new research how it works and use accordingly. The medical industry is captured by evil rich elites who think we are their slaves ppl likeyou lead others to these psychopaths who are just pure evil and you defend them..
How much were u bribed? You ppl afraid that ppl are waking up snd seeing your hundreds of years of fkn bullshit and lies. There is so much lies and evil. Why dnt u tell these ppl the true history kf the Rothschilds bilderburgs and the puppet masters why dnt u tell them how unnecesary poverty illness and war is? Without war the gov, Leaders and elites and some ppl like you cant make a cent. They are not just cons they are evil genocidal psychapthic satanists.Ppl need truth not enslavrment ad they planned and you are helping them (elites) not us. Thus you are either ignorant or a coward sellout of the human race. Piece of shit.
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