Bonus ironies
Now the swiftness with which the AHRP amended their website to expunge the membership of Jennifer Lang supports Dr Lang's assertion that she never joined, and her image was used without permission.* Other members have disappeared as well [here Dr David Egilmann]; it is a veritable holocaust of clones. If the website fell into the hands of the Apostrophe Police, they might conclude that there was only a single board-member, but I am not that pedantic.I am happy to believe that John Noble Jnr. and Meryl Nass are bona-fide members who genuinely signed up, sparing some time from their hobby of puke-funneling brainfarts into the comparative respectability of the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics.
The list of Distinguished Scientific Advisors is like a reunion of old friends. Skipping over a few genuine well-regarded researchers who are there because they ill-advisedly replied to an AHRP e-mail, I'll just call out a few names while you complete your Respectful Insolence bingo cards:
- Antonietta M. Gatti
- Christopher Exley
- James Lyons-Weiler
- Sin Hang Lee
- Stephanie Seneff
- Toni Bark
- Christopher Shaw
- Jacob Puliyel
- John Oller Jnr...
Drawings of spirals are conclusive proof

"Normal infants can read ... printed words and phrases well before their first birthday and even before they are able to say them out loud" **
Tower Kebabel

Readers may recall some of Oller's contributions to the
Language is a virus. Meet the vaccine
So that you don't have to, I read his latest paper on Biosemiotic Fritillary Condamine Headbone, but it was hard work. Evidently one key requirement for becoming a Professor of Communicative Disorders at UL Lafayette is a complete inability to communicate -- not improved by the neologasmic spasms that afflict the author every few pages (and there are a lot of pages).This International Journal of Sciences is edited by a Dr Abraham of Huma Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore (Pakistan), trading as 'Alkhaer Publications' from behind layers of concealment and misdirection and bogus maildrops in London. Jeffrey Beall was unable to recommend that particular publisher as a home for one's research efforts.
For multiple simultaneous ball-dropping

Early dog-whistle

[Chris] Shaw said he's likely finished working on papers concerning vaccines after this retraction.Just when Chris Shaw thought he was out, they pull him back in and force him to sign another antivax paper! His main contribution here might be the section on the evils of aluminium adjuvants in vaccines (they disrupt the biosemiotic conversation, in the manner of a lisp or a stutter).
"I'm honestly not sure at this point that I want to dabble in [vaccines] anymore," he said. "We have some projects that are ongoing that have been funded that we feel duty-bound to complete that are on this topic. Frankly, I doubt if I will do it again after that."
Shaw and Oller explored some of these biosemiotic concepts in an a 2014 paper, which sticks in my mind for the amount of waterbending bafflegab from Seneff and for its use of the "argumentum ad cross-section-through-an-M&M". The paper on hand is in the way of a sequel.

Anyway, Oller's munificence with his university's money extended to funneling it into the pockets of those embarrassing cockwombles at PeerTechz (celebrated in parasite-publishing circles for the shamelessness of their importunate, lordosis-postured spammograms) in return for putting another of his opuscules on line.
I have not read it in depth for there are limits to the Riddled eleemosynary services to our readership. Also my attempts to skim through the 86 pages in search of Seneff waterbending hilarity foundered on the authors' old-school purity-of-body-fluids concerns about fluoride in
I did learn that glyphosate is bad. Glyphosate is always bad, but this time because it's a chelator. Not the good kind of chelator like BDTH2, which leaches lead and mercury out of the body, but the bad kind which dissolves environmental aluminium and allows it into the body. There the Al joins forces with the fluoride from children's ice-cream and the mercury from vaccines and dental amalgams to become the Voltron of neurotoxins. I did not know that, but authors Kennedy and Boyd Haley are the experts... their relevant expertise is in curing vaccine-caused autism with an industrial chelator, and in rebranding that chelator as an Oxidative-Stress-Relieving food supplement to exempt it from the unreasonable safety / efficacy expectations imposed on drug treatments. Haley is trying to bring BDTH2 / OSR#1 back onto the market as an orphan drug (this time labeled as Irminix® / Emeramide), obliging him to create the orphan disease that it can treat.
LBRB provides good coverage of Haley's previous attempts to market BDTH2. I am surprised and saddened to find that "Alliance for Human Research Protection" haven't invited him to join their Board of Directors or their Distinguished Scientific Advisors.
Both Lemonick and Gunter also took issue with the quotes from Lang, the OB-GYN who criticized Gunter on Facebook, because she was listed as an advisory board member of the anti-vaxx organization Alliance for Human Research Protection.** Source here is "Autism: The Diagnosis, Treatment, & Etiology Of The Undeniable Epidemic", available from Amazon for $44 - $49, or you can just download each chapter free from ResearchGate because the publisher wasn't interested in retaining the rights for a 2nd edition.
Lang, however, told The Daily Beast she had no such association with the group and that they had stolen her photo and bio from another website. The group took down the listing shortly after Lang contacted them. She called the removal of Block’s piece “unfortunate.”
Oller really needs to go through it with a global search-&-replace, changing "mercury in vaccines (because oxidative stress)" to "aluminium in vaccines" throughout.
*** H/t iXeno.
UPDATE: Thx Christian Liljedahl for referring me to Education Liberty Watch. This is a group devoted to Academic Freedom, in the special sense of forcing US schools and colleges to adopt a right-wing 1950s curriculum dominated by white superiority, state religion.and parental ownership of children.
ELW President Karen Effrem is listed as a director of AHRP. It remains possible that she didn't join, and was enlisted without her knowledge because of the appeal of her totalitarian politics.
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