This week's do-it-yourself Mythbusters experiment was going to be "Which way does the water go along the drainpipe here in the Southern hemisphere - downwards or upwards?", but I'm not getting consistent results. We might have to get the plumber in. Going to need a bigger drainpipe.

That's just fine, now I have acid recall.
trove, too easy, to wander no?
Nah, y'just gotta start small and work up.
Think more Newtonian physics, less computational fluid dynamics.
Get an inclined plane and an R/C car. Oh, and it wouldn't hurt to mix up a mason jar of napalm. You remember the recipe, right kids? Three parts gasoline (higher octane is better), one part Ivory Liquid®.
Now, once you've fucked around with the inclined plane long enough, fill the R/C car with the napalm and drive it out to chase dogs around.
Yay! That was fun.
Next up: Do It Yourself Demolition IV - Concrete is NOT a show-stopper...
Now we see the dangers inherent in sitting on the photocopier machine to transmit images of TEH BUTTOCKS and falling in.
The repairperson is not going to be here until Thursday. I hope you have a good book to read, Smut.
I'm currently reading "The Crossing" by Cormac McCarthy, "The Given Day" by Dennis Lehane and "The 47th Samurai" by Stephen Hunter.
But then, I don't own a copier or a printer. You can make html or pdf pages and send them. No need for that paper stuff, um, well, except for in the bathroom. PDFs don't work so well in there...
When you drain the brains, make sure you save all that yummy encephalic fluid so the zombies have a cocktail mixer.
A mixer? My knowledge of the topic is limited to Wolfsbane.
Bets on whether the swirlies resolve to HITLER.
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