Sunday, February 7, 2010

Out, damn'd spot, and someone please close the door so he can't get back in

"Crib notes written on my hand? Unpossible!" exclaimed the candidate, attempting to wash away the evidence.

Fortunately, half the press corps were too busy comparing their new hats to pay any attention, while the others were actually drama critics who were present by mistake, under the impression that they were attending a performance of the Scottish Tragedy.


mikey said...

"You're glove, sire"

"Oh, thanks, Elwood. Good man. Jacobs? Hold my jiffy pop while I put on my glove. And fer gawds sake, Jacob, keep shaking it, otherwise the popcorn on the bottom gets all brown and burnt and nasty, and it'll be the gallows with you"

"Careful now lad, you're letting the corn fall out, dammit!"

Smut Clyde said...

I was saving the picture for the next time a story surfaced about politicians washing their hands with antiseptic after every handshake with plebians, but this handyprompter story seemed like a higher priority.

Not that I am in any position to sneer at handyprompters.

Hamish Mack said...

The two guys ,over glove-man's shoulder, would seem to be getting it on in a more than jolly good fellows sort of way?? Is this TEH GAYS??, going back in time to infiltrate olden-days (Ye Olde Popcorn and Gloves Emporium)photos to spread their perniciousness.
Also note the small size of popcorn in those days of yore, due to the rather inadequate head-heat popcorn maker that Alluringly Split Blue Frock Man is wearing.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Fortunately, half the press corps were too busy comparing their new hats to pay any attention, while the others were actually drama critics who were present by mistake, under the impression that they were attending a performance of the Scottish Tragedy.

Smut Clyde KNOWS stuff. Glenn Greenwald made an attempt today, but I think S.C. surpassed Glenn in descriptatorness.