Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The reports of the death of Global Warming...

... are somewhat overdone. Or, we might say, "more denialist crap"
BUT doing stupid things, fudging the results and not being rigorous about experiments doesn't work on the science side. Overblown publicity wallowers like Monkton and half baked science wannabes like Singer and Plimer can get away with it because, frankly, they don't have any credibility to lose.
The science dudes have.
Already we have seen the lies and half truths of selective editing of the hacked emails. The ferocious ballooning of the imputed importance of the two statements made by the IPCC which were not based on good science.
And it takes no time to see the galvanising effect that has has on the drooling denialist fan boys.
Any articles on global warming seems to get a hooting chorus whose smug ignorance gets a little wearing. These have been bad mistakes at a fundamental level and just the sort of thing Exxon have been praying for. No surprise to see the newspapers along to put the boot in too.
Plus it has been a very cold winter!!!2~1~2. Never mind the record heat of the Australian Summer. 
So it has been a winter of discontent. Did we ever think anything would come from the Copenhagen meeting? Did we ever think that the industrial rulers of the world would allow an easy change in thinking, beyond planting trees.
Nahhh. This is something for our children and grandchildren to defeat.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Relax, A.K., and listen to some Rush.

mikey said...

I am oft reminded of those scifi movies of my youth. You know the ones. Where the entire planet is suddenly threatened with annihilation or subjugation and, quickly recognizing the threat to all races, all nations, comes together with the funding, the research and development and the military capacity to defend the planet from the marauding aliens, asteroids or mutated insects.

With that understanding firmly implanted in what remains of my brain, I sit calmly, unconcerned by the existential threats facing the human population of planet earth, for I KNOW that when the chips are down, all humans, rich and poor, american and indian and chinese and Brazilian will come together as one to confront and solve the crisis.

Oh, bugger. Who am I kidding. We'll all cling to our little stack of gold and arms, resisting solutions that may change the status quo because anything that isn't THIS is just too scary to contemplate.

Also, fuck those other doods....

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

This is something for our children and grandchildren to defeat.

or be defeated by.

Hamish Mack said...

I think that the Anti-goons will run out of steam as the temperature goes up. They will save the current crop of energy creeparses but the next generation will not be able to dissemble as well.

Substance McGravitas said...

This is something for our children and grandchildren to defeat.

Get enough of the little folks together and they can overturn the Ice-Cream Truck of Climate.

Jennifer said...

Klaatu barada nikto

Hamish Mack said...

Get enough of the little folks together and they can overturn the Ice-Cream Truck of Climate.
Whilst singing "We are the World"