It is shameful how the Furry Shop have taken advantage of this customer. All he wanted was to dress up as a goat, and it is none our business what for, and see what they have fobbed off on him -- it is a travesty I say, a travesty. The bird-feet are bad enough, but what is the story with the string of breasts around the neck?
They are exploiting the naivety and desperation of the marginalised and vulnerable individuals to whom they cater. It is time to regulate the furry costume industry, to impose a system of protections and minimum standards, and if some call this a "nanny state mentality" then so be it.
that is a luxiurant beard
Never mind.
Udders were carried further up the torso that year. Worse than hemlines, udder trends are.
Yo, Shoppe Keeper, what ho?
May I help you sir?
Indeed you may. I understand that, in addition to suits of furry forest creatures, you can provide, shall we say, accessories.
That is correct, my good man. What are you?
Um, sorry, what?
Your furry character? Gopher? Bunny? Ahh, I know. BEAR?
No, hah hah, nothing like that. But I saw an illustration, perhaps in a catalog somewhere, that gave me the impression you could provide a [whispers] string of breasts.
Ahh, you'd like a few boobies wouldja? I'm sure we can accommodate you.
SSSSHHHHHH! Not so loud! AHEM. Yes, I'd like six or eight large, firm but squeezable breasts please.
Very well. Would you like a bag for your bags, or would you like to where them out?
No, no, a bag will be fine. [Takes bag, leaves furtively]
That boy will never leave the house again all summer!
Oh! Those are horns! I thought they were handles...
indeed fish, that costume is just a cover for what he really likes to ride hard.....cupcakes!!!!!!!!
I heard that...
Those feet look vaguely familiar.
Except less yellow than before...
if some call this a "nanny state mentality" then so be it.
Would that not be a "nanny goat state mentality"?
How can you all just sit back while Killer Whale Terror changes EVERYTHING.
Remember 2/24/10!
The killer whales have an agenda, they want to dominate the world and make it safe for their sick seal eating religion.
We've got no choice. Hell, we have submarines and nuclear weapons.
These animals need to be stopped.
You're either with us, or you're with the whales...
WTF is mikey talking about, I sez to meself.
Can we get rid of the G.O.P. now, too?
Whale kills trainer as horrified spectators watch
ORLANDO, Fla. -- A SeaWorld killer whale seized a trainer in its jaws Wednesday and thrashed the woman around underwater, killing her in front of a horrified audience. It marked the third time the animal had been involved in a human death.
How many human deaths has the G.O.P. been involved in?
How many human deaths has the G.O.P. been involved in?
They're not involved in children's entertainment. The legal kind.
She was a martyr to "spectacle".
Here I am forced to quote at length:
"[The killer whale's] eyes are best adapted for use underwater and probably are less effective in the air. Man probably looks like a seal to the killer when it sees him on the ice. Many Antarctic seals are at least as big as man [...] and even the emperor penguin is nearly four feet tall. It is a mistake a killer whale could make. Even if a man doesn't look exactly like a penguin, the killer whale probably doesn't have the mental faculty to understand the difference."
My point (and I have a point) is that if the SeaWorld staff insist on dressing up as nuns and head waiters, then they should not be surprised if the orcas MISTAKE THEM FOR PENGUINS.
And if the same orca has made the same mistake in the past, then really there is no excuse. GIVE THE POOR THING SOME CONTACT LENSES. Honestly, people, this is not rocket science.
Worse than hemlines, udder trends are.
Indeed, in the course of evolutionary history
they have migrated back and forth with the same celerity as dogjunk.
Does dogjunk celerity get between your teeth like the regular kind? Because that would be gross.
you could provide a [whispers] string of breasts.
None of you have mentioned Ed Gein. I'm impressed by your self-control.
Ed Gein was a freakin PIKER compared with the Butcher of Sea World.
When you've got body count to the point where they don't just name you, but they name your entire SPECIES "Killer", a few lampshades seems positively QUAINT...
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