Strauß in Strümpfen -- The Modesty edition.
We will not allow ourselves to be out-dignified or out-modestied by Sub McG.
UPDATE: In comments, S. McG. responds with what he fondly believes to be tartan stockings:

...while mikey, who is a liberal and therefore in the thrall of a sense of entitlement, is asking for camo pattern.
Ostridges are not experts on camo patterns on account of the whole head-in-the-sand business.
I'm invoking Rule 34 here... someone in the world is bound to find this arousing.
Perhaps if the stockings were a different colour in each frame and produced a virulent strobing, that would reduce the potential for arousal.
We will monitor the Google searches that bring people here.
Perhaps if the stockings were a different colour in each frame and produced a virulent strobing
Seizurestrauß, I choose you!
Now, how would this affect someone with a cone cell "deficit"?
Rule what?
You can't fool me, young man; that may be tartan, but it ain't no Cameron of Erracht.
Now, how would this affect someone with a cone cell "deficit"?
Checking in the pockets of my pedantry pants, I find a reference to a 2000 paper. Turns out that red/blue alternation produces the strongest flicker (even when you equate the luminance of the colours to take away luminance flicker), measured by EEG response and by pupil dilation.
To cut to the chase, someone who's missing the usual M- or L-cones is probably still going to have some response.
The paper mentions "A particularly notorious incident involving
photosensitivity happened in 1997, when over 700 children in Japan were hospitalized after
exposure to patterned red-blue flicker on a children’s television cartoon show (Ishida et al., 1998)."
According to Bimler (2010), the worst colour contrast for chromatic flicker is more like blue / orange-red. NO TWINS were injured in that study.
Smut, can you trust this Bimler guy?
It's that it's an Ostrich, and your stockings don't reach all the way to the top. It's obscene.
Uncovered Ostritch. Banned in Iran
His methods are unusual.
He looks like he's sneaking up on somebody. 'Scuse me, Mr. Ostrich, but one's ability to sneak effectively is negatively impacted by lavender trousers. It's not a common camo motif, gnome sane?
Also, the juxtaposition of the sneaky ostrich and the olympic speed skaters on my teevee is actually hilarious. And some of them are wearing lavender trousers...
I really shoulda slowed the bird down insteada sped it up. Sexier that way.
Also the östridge needs an accompanying soundtrack. Something by Roxy Music, perhaps.
someone in the world is bound to find this arousing.
Authorship of the anonymous erotic novel "Knöchen-Straußen in Strümpfen mit Peitschen" is often attributed to von Sacher-Masoch, but this has never been shown conclusively.
I hope Bill Gates is proud of the way his work has impacted the world.
Here we have a Gates/Muybridge confluence.
Someone would probably find Gates/Muybridge arousing...
The lower ostridge is now weeping, possibly tears of unrequited lust that I dragged down from the post above, possibly in response to the raging grannie bouncing on its back. The upper ostridge can see none of this, on account of the flappy moustache obscuring its head.
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