The Greys next door are very proud of their youngest son's progress with his trumpet lessons, and last night they were insistent that I should stay still and listen to his rendition of
Pokarekare Ana.
It's nice that they're making such an effort to assimilate to New Zealand ways, but sometimes I miss the nasal implants and the anal probes. At least back then you knew what to expect.
Those hobbits seem lots eviler than they get portrayed in the theater.
They must have excellent p.r. representation...
They look more like deros to me, because I remember Lemuria.
Hey! Where did you get ahold of that picture?
I wanted to experiment with group sex. It just the one time, and I didn't know there would be PHOTOS!
youngest son's progress with his trumpet lessons
I recommend Chlorinda.
Notice the orb in the upper right.
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