Wellington's Hospitality Association branch president Adam Cunningham said the ban was appropriate and would not affect hospitality businesses.If brothel owners had the same clout on the Council as is wielded by the hoteliers and publicans, then any public-lewdness problems arising from turning prostitution into the main activity of the inner city would be addressed by a bylaw that criminalised sex (except in brothels).
[Inspector Perry] accepted that even people drinking responsibly in public places, such as at picnics in parks, on beaches and in the green belt, would now be acting unlawfully.His insouciant acceptance of arbitrary powers might sound chilling and Orwellian to those of us who are easily chilled or Orwelled but fear not, Perry has promised that white middle-class rate-payers will be safe:*
"The police's biggest power is one of discretion and how we apply the law."
"I don't think we will see [those sorts of offenders] appearing in Wellington District Court."In other news, the constabulary are butt-hurt about the growing number of violent assaults against police officers. It is almost as if people no longer accept them as a source of safety but instead resent them as a kind of army of occupation.
* Worth noting that the same people were delivering the same sanguine promise of commonsense inconsistency 18 months ago, when the first, circumscribed liquor ban was introduced. Three months later,People who breach the public liquor ban in the designated city areas can expect to be arrested, says Inspector Kevin Riordan, acting Wellington Area Commander.
"We've been using our discretion until now so that people could get used to the idea that the 24/7 liquor ban exists. There's plenty of signage about the ban so we don't want any more excuses."
Pfft. Positively draconian liquor laws here have us smoking dope like there's no tomorrow.
Abandon the mead and get with the weed!
I am evil and they know it, damn them.
progeh, mixed progress.
Next thing you know, they'll be rounding up all the hobbits!
No way, Jacko owns them, as State sponsored pets.
"We've been using our discretion until now..."
...but now it's all used up.
Quick, somebody warn Mr. Benson that beer is alcoholic!
Uh... sorry for the hooring- next time, I'll keep it in the red light district!
Well, ain't that quaint. Watching the commonweal try to adopt the mores and norms of America is like having circus clowns handle a good sized city's solid waste disposal. Um, yeah.
Ur Doin it Worng!!
There is nothing a free market loving capitalist, constitutional originalist founding father fucking liberty lover holds more dear than the right to suck down some suds in the great outdoors. While we find the attempt to support the local business community admirable in the extreme, two things that should not be fucked with, and yet seem to be the primary fucking-with applications in the antipodes are booze and guns. They represent freedom and liberty.
This? This is tyranny, in exactly the vague, hard to understand and even harder to describe form represented by the Obama administration. Mr. Prime Minister: TEAR DOWN THIS BARROOM!!
two things that should not be fucked with, and yet seem to be the primary fucking-with applications in the antipodes are booze and guns
Guns aren't such a big issue. They're controlled but not very -- a would-be gun-owner has to sit the equivalent of a driver's license.* Thing is, they don't have any kind of forbidden-fruit fetishist allure, partly because they are associated with farmers [basic tool of farming], and farmers are radically un-cool people noted for tucking their shirts inside their underpants. Not much demand for them apart from week-end duck-shooters.
That's why historically we've focussed on fucking around with booze.
* Offer only open for rifles & shotguns -- concealable handguns get closer scrutiny.
Everybody wanna be somebody else,
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