This fish is trying to withdraw his children from the secular education system so he can home-school them. He does not want them to be indoctrinated with the Godless "theory of evolution".
Ahh, an image from the little-known Smeltish Infishition. Where entire schools were targeted and forced to renounce their Ichthyotheistic beliefs and embrace a christian god. Those that would not were struck repeatedly in the knee with the top of a wicker sewing basket.
Hey! Careful, dammit! There could be needles in that thing!
Agents of the infisition quickly learned to spot the telltale signs of pagan, Ichthyotheistic, or apostate behavior. For example, their manner of dress could be all the evidence required. A fish in blue jean shorts was a suspect, as were eels in stovepipe hats and octopuses in hot pants...
Now, this for real and straight down the line. An ecologist of my acquaintance took me to a river where we electro fished. We got one Smelt and it smelt like CUCUMBER!!! Do many fish have a vegetable smell doppelganger?!?!? If so why would this be intelligently designed as such???
There are certainly some survival benefits, but fitness to breed isn't one of them and I have a few "enthusiasts" who are interested in turning me into bubble tea.
Due to malicious misinformation from my parents, for many years I laboured under the impression that there were varieties of fish called 'tasted' and 'hurd'.
Given that no fish were carried on Mr Noah's Ark, Mr Fishie pictured here is logically refuting his own existence. Will he vanish in a puff of logic?
Obviously, he converted upon hearing St Anthony of Padua's "fish sermon".
The Sermon to the Fishes was much nicer than that barbaric Sermon on the Mount. Many fish converted to Christianity that day, just for the halibut.
sorry, looks more like the sandworm from Beetlejuice
I start to doubt the veracity of much of the information on this blog. I am fearful that it will not help me with college assignment.
Ahh, an image from the little-known Smeltish Infishition. Where entire schools were targeted and forced to renounce their Ichthyotheistic beliefs and embrace a christian god. Those that would not were struck repeatedly in the knee with the top of a wicker sewing basket.
Hey! Careful, dammit! There could be needles in that thing!
Agents of the infisition quickly learned to spot the telltale signs of pagan, Ichthyotheistic, or apostate behavior. For example, their manner of dress could be all the evidence required. A fish in blue jean shorts was a suspect, as were eels in stovepipe hats and octopuses in hot pants...
After the Sermon to the Fishes, the Sermon to the Loaves was something of an anticlimax.
What, he couldn't get a rise out them?
What, he couldn't get a rise out them?
Any more bread puns and I'm leaven.
Smut shan't be back!
Returning for just long enough to link to a sour-doe.
Now, this for real and straight down the line. An ecologist of my acquaintance took me to a river where we electro fished. We got one Smelt and it smelt like CUCUMBER!!!
Do many fish have a vegetable smell doppelganger?!?!? If so why would this be intelligently designed as such???
I have been told that I smell like durian.
There are certainly some survival benefits, but fitness to breed isn't one of them and I have a few "enthusiasts" who are interested in turning me into bubble tea.
They keep the durian gelato covered up at the local ice-cream store.
Really depends if it's a step up from fish...
Sour doe nothing, it's SMILING. AND it has a man bit.
A fish species that smells like a vegetable is obviously a nerve agent, DO NOT STUFF THEM UP YOUR NOSTRILS!
Due to malicious misinformation from my parents, for many years I laboured under the impression that there were varieties of fish called 'tasted' and 'hurd'.
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