At ease, persons of rank in a military organization. As you see, we have a new battle plan to replace the other "Running at the Enemy While Shrieking" which had it's attractions, I can tell you. This new plan calls for some organization in that everyone has a place and there is a place for everyone.
I'm sure it will all work out. Scientists are working on a plan to counter the Shrinko Ray that the enemy used on us last time.
There is no grammar, grasshopper.
...if you look real close, that's my group, up in the upper left ("bagages"). These days, of course it's "lost bagages", or "your bagages appears to have been sent to Omsk"
I am in the Ironies, something that one wouldn't expect
(my goal is to join thunder in the Harangues)
They can have my grammar when they pry it out of my cold, dusty horn book.
We hates the Blogger with the no "strike" tag, we does.
Here sir!
Get up on the Northwest perimeter. Link up with Dogma and Philosophy and hold the line. You're up against Academia and we're understrength. Dogma can't react when Academia changes tactics, and Philosophy keep fighting each other, so you will sit 100% security and YOU WILL HOLD!
Yes Sir.
Good. Questions.
Sir? Where will you be?
Me? Why, I'll be with my staff in Aisle Gauche, on the banks of the Torrent d'Eloquence. Drinking wine, eating cheese, and catching some rays. Now move out!
If I see the look of pity in your eyes I will kill you myself.
Blucher, prior to charge, Waterloo, 1815.
I hate the exaggerators because they are like Hitler.
I incline to believe that the so-called impregnable citadel of Academia is in fact deserted, because the Academians have all slipped out the secret back door and have come around the back to mingle with the Traducery brigade.
It's what I would do, anyway.
They can have my grammar when they pry it out of my cold, dusty horn book.
Do not mock the powers of Gramarye as recorded in ye Grimoires by the mages of olde.
We don't need no stinking bagages, ckc.
Good point. Where is the LOLcat brigade? I thought we could rely on them to join the assault on Grammar, but no, they have reneged on their promises and gone off looking for their bukit.
"Varus, where are my LOLgions"
The leegions are atacking the diches with arrows sir.
You misspelled bukkit.
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