Chronic Lyme Disease advocates are no longer speaking to the
Morgellons Disease enthusiasts, regarding them as parvenus and wannabees who should keep to their own specialised websites and stop bringing other delusional illnesses into disrepute.
Morgellons Disease Jul 2, 2007
**Please note that unfortunately, the Lymebuster forum can no longer be affiliated with the original Lymebuster website. We will not go into specific details, but evidently she does not like that we include Morgellons disease on our board despite the obvious connections for many of us. We will continue to keep our focus on getting recognition toward the seriousness of Lyme and Morgellons diseases.
Despite the turf war over the misleading name,
Lymebusters remains the go-to place for all my photographs-of-delusional-skin-lesion needs, with the
Morgellons Research Organization as a close second.

Wandering around this corner of the Interlattice has taught me more than I really need to know about colloidal silver, chemtrails, covert mercury toxicity, chelation therapy, hyperbaric therapy and proprietory remedies for nanobacteria and
invisible atypical mycobacteria. I have also learned that these disorders typically take the form of little red arrows appearing on the skin.
The invisible bacteria are the worst. How many times have I recorded the result "No Growth", when the plate was actually swarming with the varmints?
Is this schism going to cause ructions, mayhap, even, a furore???
The folks at Lifeboat need to add a new shield or two.
I know people who have suffered from Lyme's disease!
These people happen to live near Lyme, Connecticut.
So I've got the move to Ohio going for me. And the deer have got to get through Pennsylvania before they get to me.
(I know, I know. Fucking birds.)
The folks at Lifeboat need to add a page to their website where random members of the public could describe the threats that they personally find most existential.
What could go wrong?
Personally I'm worried about the clowns.
I am merc and I hate fugging clowns, hates them, what the hell is it with clowns anyway? The shoes the makeup the silliness? I don't get it, what was wrong with the old style psychopomps who just stood there, left of stage saying and doing nothing, the harlequins, they were ok too, mute mostly, ankle tappers sure...
phomi, too public health option.../ok this is my last one promise)/
It sounds nice when you find out that chemtrails are really pooped out by angels, but then you find out they're THE BAD ANGELS.
Nothing about the Orb menace, though.
The Google reveals that there is a great deal of overlap between orbs, morgellons and chemtrails. This is reassuring since a shield against one will presumably protect human survival from the others.
The overlap with clowns is not so great.
That's it with the clowns, right for that I'm going to unload this on yo orb it's Friday and I had my monthly meeting. (I only have one, a month, ever, I never quite know what to say).
pelte, see, too easy again, I quit again.
I had never heard of Morgellons before. So I looked around a little more and found that some cases could probably be explained by Photoshop infection.
I had never heard of Morgellons before.
If we have brought a little weirdness and perturbation into someone's life, then the day has not been wasted.
This whole Morgellons phenomenon comes down to people who have gone through life blithely unaware that they are actually strawman arguments until the stuffing starts coming out through holes in their skin, at which point they resort to elaborate denial mechanisms.
Varmints are the newest version of Altoids, right?
Just remember, you can't have Morgellons without the Moron. Y'know, ticks and leeches are ok, generally, as long as they remain an appropriate distance from my urethra, but spiders and wetas are a whole nuther kettle of fish.
Fish, which, similarly to war and hate, can be and regularly ARE mongered. Even though the list of things than can be mongered is short, fish find themselves atop it.
The list. Of THINGS.
Oh, never mind.
Do carry on...
what about Lovemongers?
It sounds nice when you find out that chemtrails are really pooped out by angels
It also get you SO F#CKING HIGH, dude.
I have never been mongered in my life. Although Michael Steele informs me that it can be quite entertaining.
Isn't there already a Lesionnaire's Disease? The Lesionnaires must be pissed.
I thought I had Morgellons once, but it was just comedos- I stopped using bacon drippings as a moisturizer, and they clear up in a week.
Even though the list of things than can be mongered is short
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