Monday, June 7, 2010

For Mikey


Hamish Mack said...

The essence of Clark is the use of words. "You're not going to have a problem before you start"
I once heard him talking about a trip he had been on to an opal mining place and he had got talking to one on the miners about how they get the opals out because he noticed that they had two engines there. Clark asked if one was a back-up and the miner said it was but it was pretty hopeless, he said "It couldn't pull a greasy stick out of a dogs bumhole" which amused Clark immensely and gives me a smile every time I think of it. But he loves that sort of descriptive language.

Unknown said...

...we don't know how lucky we are...

punardro, gold!

Willy said...
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Willy said...

...a lot of people are very sentimental about the sea...

Unknown said...

Whales are the cockroaches of the Sea!!!

chess, aw try harder.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

If they'd just privatize the whole thing, no problems!

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

private industry can do for the oceans what it's done for the Cuyahoga river or Bhopal....

mikey said...

Well, you know, it's quite lovely in Bhopal. No crowds, no traffic. It's kind of like taking a long stroll through Chernobyl. Nature everywhere, and quiet too. The air is fresh, though oddly warm, and it's very peaceful...

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

great place for retirement, if you don't have a retirement account that will support a long one...

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Laughing through the tears, here.

Lachrymose laughter?