Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Facial Reconstruction department

...has the best Hallowe'en party snacks EVAH.
It would be irresponsible to mention the invitingly high forehead.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Not to mention the lurking sink lettuce.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

Enticing, even.

Hamish Mack said...

What a ham!

Unknown said...

It'll want a bride you know.

mikey said...

Oooh. I want a meathead....

Jennifer said...

I think it needs some strategic braunschweiger...

Smut Clyde said...

If he had access to strategic braunschweiger in addition to his tactical battlefield weisswurst, Meathead would pose a serious threat to world stability. We cannot allow the sausage smoker to become a Kolbász.

Unknown said...

Nothing says apex predator like Meathead, until he enters the Sea.

mikey said...

We cannot allow the sausage smoker to become a Kolbász.

I believe you meant to leave this over at Substance's Cap'n America thread...

Jennifer said...

We cannot allow the sausage smoker to become a Kolbász.

Don't knackwurst until you've tried it.

Jennifer said...

Oooh. I want a meathead....

Also... Mikey's comment has me singing... "Meathead, meathead, roly-poly meathead. Meathead, meathead, eat them up yum!"

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Now, I want a headcheese head.

Wasn't "Facials of the Reconstruction" an R.E.M. album?

Unknown said...

It is written when the head Cheese is made, high culture will come.

That's me in the corner losing my last stilton, REM

Smut Clyde said...

I'm hearing Can lyrics myself.

When I saw, Headcheese head
I was born and I was dead

Unknown said...

I am the head cheese of tines
through mountains and valleys
I roam an orphan and alone
opposed and joined to myself.

mikey said...

Meats and cheese
Heads made of these
Seems unwise
With olives for eyes
But now I check down underneath
What the hell did they use for teeth?

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

corn, mikey.

I like the onion eyeballs though.

When you think about it, everyone has meat on their head.

Unknown said...'re Zombie right?

coggisfw, sometime backward.