Monday, September 20, 2010

God's gift to lazy bloggers

The best way to display your confidence in your party members -- and your belief that they in turn have full confidence in you -- is to brandish a grenade and threaten to take everyone with you if anyone tries to take a shot. Here's Rodney again:
You should appreciate the entire caucus and senior party members knew about David. We're all in it together.
As we noted on the weekend, Rodney Hide has proved himself to be a politician of integrity by offering to resign as leader of the ACT party. If he thought that "it was in the interests of the party". Also he is the best person to judge where the party's interests lie, and he sees no reason to ask for their opinion since after all, they have him to tell them what it is. That's what leaders are for.


Unknown said...

The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.
Carl Jung (1875 - 1961

bursevul, why yas they are.

Substance McGravitas said...

Does he ever say "INCONTHEIVABLE"?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

"David Garrett has other choices, he can go back and regenerate his law career ... but Mr Hide has nothing to go back to."

So he could run, but he couldn't Hide?

Without cheap shots it takes a lot of money to get drunk.

Smut Clyde said...

There is a shadow over Garrett's prospects of resuming his legal career; the Law Society is asking awkward questions about him forgetting to tell the about his assault conviction when he was applying for name suppression on the passport-fraud business, and there is talk of a charge of perjury.

Also worth noting: the other party in the affray (over in Tonga) that led to the assault conviction -- who came out best in Garrett's account of things -- is the Head of Psychiatry at Tonga's hospital.
Tough He-man Lawyers 0; Psychologists 1. HA HA HA

Do not fear for Garrett's future, however, for the Sensible Sentencing Trust (campaigners for tougher sentences and less leniency for non-white, non-wealthy offenders) approve of the tough stance he has taken against name suppression, "and they had expressed interest in a Garrett-led independent party with a law and order focus."

Does he ever say "INCONTHEIVABLE"?
Even now Hide is handing out glasses of iocane-laced wine to the other members of his party.

Unknown said...

Don't worry the law society has an incredibly high bar for admission, some crimes actually up your application points.
The great thing about the law in nz is that police prosecute, often using private lawyers, which works really well if you want the case against to fit the evidence planted, I mean found, oh gosh see, better to leave it to my betterers.

Unknown said...

Quote of the day in a day of awe quotes from Wodders,
"I wonder when we do things in our past, and appear before the courts, and pay the price that the judge decides, how long that should bar us from getting on with our lives."

This from the man that gave us, No Strikes, No Regrets Garretteer. Frankly I am awed, indeed the whole thing reads like we may have been overtaken by meat puppets.