Sunday, October 3, 2010

Braille is "an angry, childish language" *

I used to espouse the usual liberal, relativist line that all languages were equally expressive, equally capable of conveying anything from poetry to brain science. But then I discovered that the blind community were using their special abilities to leave secret messages for one another, fastened to the power poles.

Even if the messages are not part of some sinister plot (they could be hobo-style tags, "Occupant is a soft touch for a hard-luck story", that sort of thing), I no longer feel that we can trust these people.

* According to M. Bouffant, anyway.

UPDATE: Bonus Blind Giants with stolen Power poles


H. Rumbold, Master Barber said...

The system would seem to require blind (or visually impaired, if you will) people feeling up every power pole. Have you ever noticed this? On the other hand, have you ever seen a baby pigeon?

Smut Clyde said...

I am in fact more familiar with the sight of baby pigeons drinking milk from their mothers.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It appears that the third giant in line to be leader has made a power grab with his power poll

Meet the new boss!

J— said...

The message on the pole reads, "The Giving Tree sucks."

The word verification word is "doptonal," which is I think what bluegrass and metal heads play in.

Dragon-King Wangchuck said...

The positioning of the front two blind giants leads me to believe that braille literacy may have uses outside of plotting against the sighted.

Word verification is outrofat. Again I rue the day I gave up looksists jokesists.

mikey said...

Mommy, why is that man in the blue smock buggering that poor fellow who's fallen down?

Hamish Mack said...

it is the angry childishness which prevents Braille from getting any traction on teh interweb.

Substance McGravitas said...

Leave these signs on elephants and THEN see what the blind guys say.

Smut Clyde said...

It would take a while nailing signs to every part of the elephant just to stop those blind dudes arguing.

"You're all wrong; an elephant is long and throbbing".

Substance McGravitas said...

An elephant never forgets VENGEANCE.

fish said...


The chick in the Crying Game is A DUDE!!!