Would have posted earlier. Hangover. Party last night. About lunchtime discovered that someone with a felt-tip pen had taken advantage of my insensate state to draw a face on the side of my penis.
It must be mightier than the sword. You don't hear about all manner of pens becoming embedded in various natural topographic features, only retrievable by particularly favored warriors.
So that's your story?
Is your current state the reason why your gravitar has mulfunctioned?
The pen.
It must be mightier than the sword. You don't hear about all manner of pens becoming embedded in various natural topographic features, only retrievable by particularly favored warriors.
Although it might make a dandy metaphor...
What, no pictures?
Actually it's Please! no pictures!!!
Brett Favre would be happy to provide pictures...
How rude, they should have drawn "flying tigers" style fighter nose art on it.
Mural joke.
Painting on rice joke.
Happy face or a sad face? And does "cyclopean" apply in more ways than one?
Built with huge limestone boulders, roughly fitted together with minimal clearance between adjacent stones and no use of mortar.
Pictorial evidence.
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