Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Empire strikes back (not in a good way)

We at Riddled run a tight ship in terms of religion. Seldom does a day go by in which Evangeline Van Holsteren fails to invoke Jesus Christ and all the little Jesuses when asking about the Staff account at the Old Entomologist. Every August 17 the staff travel en masse to Our Blessed Lady of the Dancing on a Pin's head to burn liquorice all sorts at the altar of St. Ignacius, patron saint of jazz drummers. Barely a day goes by when the staff do not drop to their knees whilst singing Mademoiselle From Armentieres.
So it is a rare pleasure to find a site devoted, and I mean that in the full sense, to the restoration of the Holy (and Jolly) Roman Empire. You will have to Google roman catholic imperialist to view the site in all its splendidness as I don't really want to link to them what with them coming here and turning me into a frog. Including pictures of Paris Hilton and a sunset which shows that the end is near for Democracy and such.
Two noted scholars, Herr Doktor Bimler and I are uncertain as to the veracity of the site since it is so rich a stew of theology that it may be japery of the highest order.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I have no fear of being turned into a frog. After all, I recovered fairly quickly from the newt thing Christine O'Donnell cast on me.

So the Bishop of Mainz likes the ladies.

Shirley you jest about their 'lack of seriousness'?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

If you had said "Papery of the Highest Order", I could agree with that.

ckc (not kc) said...

Oh, man - the holy roman empire versus the teabag dominionists?? it's just like WWE!

Smut Clyde said...

Papery of the Highest Order

That would be Opus Dei.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Heh- japery 'bout papery.

So the Bishop of Mainz likes the ladies.

Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed priest.

Oh, man - the holy roman empire versus the teabag dominionists?? it's just like WWE!

Concordat of Worms 2.0

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Potpourri of the highest odor.

Smut Clyde said...

Poopery of the highest ordure.