There have been any number of later replications. Irwin, Turrell and Wortz tried it in 1969 (in the LACMA Art & Technology Program) so at least they escape from the unworthy suspicion that they were merely trying to win an IgNobel prize.
Let us find out empirically which tone goes best with the Trotsky Headsplitter Bitter:
"A Purge in Every Pint!"
I now want to have sex with SC.
Hey wait a minute. What did you put in my beer?
True story: my brother has synethsesia. It's always sounded like a superpower to me.
moved on to Wire lyrics now, have we?
Shan't be back.
I often find my drinking followed up by this "BLEARGH" sound.
What, no Pol Pot IPA?
I find that Ding1 goes well with a milk stout.
Thunder, no but there's a Pol Porter. Not great, but better than the Attila Honey Brown. Also, no pitch for me, just the hop resins thankyew.
The funny thing about the Stalin is it's an Imperial Stout.
moved on to Wire lyrics now, have we?
Gloating. It was a damn fine concert.
BBBB reminds that ding(1) fucking ROCKS.
"A Purge in Every Pint!"
In the interests of full disclosure, and because there are apparently software services allowing you to look for particular combinations of words on the Intertuba, I should note that this tagline was invented by my colleague Fitz.
What did you put in my beer?
I am not sure that you have clearance for that information.
Gloating. It was a damn fine concert.
So I can trust you if I download the new Wire album? Because I would hat to have to eat your branes.
They are all upside down and filled with drink.
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