Alice opened the door and found that it led into a small passage, not much larger than a rat-hole: she knelt down and looked along the passage into the loveliest garden you ever saw. How she longed to get out of that dark hall, and wander about among those beds of bright flowers and those cool fountains, but she could not even get her head though the doorway.
Ubik is safe when used as directed 
The next thing she knows, Alice is fleeing from decapitation-obsessed enemies through a world of entropic collapse and cryptic instructions to EAT UBIK and DRINK UBIK. Though she remains oblivious to her true situation, it becomes apparent to the reader that these are attempts to communicate from the real world, in which her head is deep-frozen in a flask of liquid nitrogen (the cryogenics policy did not cover the cost of preserving her whole body after her unfortunate rabbit-hole-related accident). SQUID detector blah blah blah neural quantum coherence blah blah blah Queen of Hearts blah blah blah.

Right now I seem to have the field of imaginary Lewis Carroll / Philip K. Dick collaborations to myself. The sequel -- in which a chess-playing computer becomes the new host for Alice's consciousness -- is provisionally entitled VALICE. Alternatively, "Do Androids Dream of Shop-owning Sheep?".
Right now I seem to have the field of imaginary Lewis Carroll / Philip K. Dick collaborations to myself.
The confession of a mash artist.
I would make my Wolverine with Ubik.
Do not exceed recommend dosage of Ubik. Seek medical advice if symptoms persist.
Man, too bad Jan Svankmajer didn't have your script because AWESOME.
There's a Man in the High Castle joke here somewhere, but I can't be arsed sussing it out.
SQUID detector
...where can I get one of those? (no, honestly, I'm not's IMPORTANT!)
PS the gentleman cleaning the rocks is doing a fine job.
Tigris, did you see that Švankmajer has released another movie
In an ideal universe he would have filmed his own version of The Golem by now.
Not on Netflix, alas. Faust looks interesting but not streaming, darn their hides.
Švankmajer's Faust is genius.
I wasn't so sure about Conspirators of Pleasure but it improved with a second watching.
We did not quit UBIK.
UBIK quit us.
Do they not have Bit Torrent in the antipodes? Because that would really suck...
I could not possibly comment on access to BitTorrent here in the right-way-up part of the world.
I'm utterly overwhelmed. I set out to describe this woodcut, and found that the events depicted would require hundreds of pages of neat, single spaced type, with footnotes and endnotes, and perhaps some expert commentary provided for clarity.
All that said, the dood on the far left is very likely me, judging by the hair, but why is that other fellow trying to get his letter back OUT of the mailbox?
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