The bottle is then riddled, so that the lees settles in the neck of the wine bottle...
Manual riddling is still done for Prestige Cuvées in Champagne... mechanised riddling equipment (a gyropalette) is used instead.
Two thoughts: 1) an up-pants website will never have the appeal of up-skirts sites, and 2) whatever appeal up-pants might have had is lost when shot through frosted glass
OK, sure, Sailor Jerry and me got this wrong. Put it in the wrong thread. And yeah, it doesn't make a lick of sense here. But the question arises, what the HELL can I do to make it up to you? I mean, I feel really bad about this. This is some sort of newb drunk whooopsie, and I'm just not that guy.
I believe you have small people walking on your windows, sir.
Not walking.
I'm pretty sure they're dancing...
You people are so naive. Those the foot formations of fucking people. They're having an orgy---and they didnt invite you!
What a feeling
dancin' on the ceiling
...some type of bacillus - growing fairly slowly by the looks of things; you've probably still got time to apply the antibiotics.
They's big buggers ckc. Clostridium?
Two thoughts: 1) an up-pants website will never have the appeal of up-skirts sites, and 2) whatever appeal up-pants might have had is lost when shot through frosted glass
I'm pretty sure there's a Barbarossa and shoe polish line in here.
It would have been easy if there was a BRAND of shoe polish called Barbarossa, but it actually turns out there's not. Who coulda predicted that? Fuck.
Anyway, it goes something like "Kitty's moustache is an artifact of Barbarossa shoe polish".
Heh heh.
Get it?
Dammit. Woulda been great.
Carry on...
OK, sure, Sailor Jerry and me got this wrong. Put it in the wrong thread. And yeah, it doesn't make a lick of sense here. But the question arises, what the HELL can I do to make it up to you? I mean, I feel really bad about this. This is some sort of newb drunk whooopsie, and I'm just not that guy.
I've GOT it!
Here's something fun!
Rock out, doods....
Sailor Jerry needs his own website.
Before following mikey's link, I will wait for someone else* to click on it and report whether it is offensive.
* Other than Substance McG.
I am going to pretend that I don't get tigris' joke and didn't laugh.
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