Monday, January 10, 2011

Please do not Feed the Buddhas

They become dependent on hand-outs, and then they start hassling tourists. Some turn into street mimes and then they have to be killed to prevent people meeting them on the road. Two of this group are already practising the Invisible Box routine.

Habitat loss leads to overcrowding, which worsens the problem. Buddhas are solitary in their natural environment.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Whatever you do, don't wander horny.

Because that would be wrong.

Unknown said...

Hey Buddha where's my nirvana?

Substance McGravitas said...

It is important that the Buddhas demonstrate the equality in importance of all things by keeping their fingers trimmed to equality. Except for the thumbs, which really aren't that important.

mikey said...

It appears the second Buddha from the right has a bit of a tummy ache. Perhaps it's cholera, but more likely it's just something nasty he found tossed in his alms bowl.

Before long, there'll be a soggy pile of Buddha-Poop and he'll be back in his invisible box, good as new...

Hamish Mack said...

They are also not "in the game" the correct term is "nom" not "om"!!!