Tuesday, March 1, 2011

And then we laughed because the room sailed away

This week's edition of Gardening for Lazy Feckers is all about the indoor shrubbery. It is only bare twigs and besoms at the moment, sprouting from the living-room floor, but be patient, the foliage will arrive later, possibly in the form of small green fishes.

This is what happens in a Level IV Surreality event (on the Prague scale). Note also that the walls have turned into crumbling distemper. This is a prodromic sign that heralds the imminent appearance of naked ladies. There are no cups or saucers; they all sprouted fur and ran away when the event reached Level III.
Bonus indoor shrubbery

By now we are used to the grand piano exploding.


Unknown said...

the last painting, who?

Smut Clyde said...

Max Beckmann, "Backstage" or "Behind the scenes". More complete view here. And it was indeed his last painting.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Beckmann'z... fortunes changed with the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, whose dislike of Modern Art quickly led to its suppression by the state. In 1933, the Nazi government bizarrely called Beckmann a "cultural Bolshevik" and dismissed him from his teaching position at the Art School in Frankfurt. In 1937 more than 500 of his works were confiscated from German museums, and several of these works were put on display in the notorious Degenerate Art exhibition in Munich.For ten years, Beckmann lived in poverty in self-imposed exile in Amsterdam, failing in his desperate attempts to obtain a visa for the US.

Damn. And see, it is just like that liberal lefty Hitler to celebrate degenerate art with an exhibition in Munich.

/Jonah Goldberg

Substance McGravitas said...

When the page loaded I at first saw a set of giant knuckles coming from the floor in picture #2 but I knew I was wrong as the giants are usually in the closet.

Smut Clyde said...

Does anyone have screen-grabs from that scene from Svankmajer's Alice where Alice nibbles the wooden mushroom and suddenly little stage-prop pine trees alternately shoot up and shrink from the floor of the room? Asking for a friend.

mikey said...

One of those unhealthy contagious viral vids no doubt, I think it was called 3 Naked Ladies, 2 Cups and a Saucer.

Surrealist Scat-Alien Slasher Mashups n shit...

Not sure if I'm reading W/V right, but it looks like it's an advertisement for WetaCam

mikey said...

Update: Funny II, the Slacking-ing

So right while I was writing this comment the boss/ceo/head fred came running over frantically and asked me for the year-to-date sales numbers.

Huh? Do I look like a freaking accountant to you, goggles? I mean, I'm the damn SALES turd, and oh by the way if you didn't notice I've only been here since the end of january and no, I DON'T know where the fucking bodies are buried, you should check with your quicklime distributor.

So I'm writing naked-ladies mashup comments in one tab and trying to generate a fucking ad hoc report that would give him a number, ANY goddam number, and I got one and he scurried off in search of a rock with high insect potential...