The days grow longer here in the Podes and the snow melts, the sound of the sump pump providing a basso continuo to the rest of the world's sounds. Though one lives in gray sunlessness and looks out upon full snow coverage in the back yard, the skiing has gotten too crappy to hold any illusions about it: winter is over and mud season has begun. And behold, it turns out to be true that in the spring a youngish person's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of naked men. Naked men in snow that looks great for skiing.
Wait, you're saying it's spring in upsidedownland, just as spring maybe thinks about coming to Ohio?
*attempts to reconcile implied facts with deeply held beliefs*
I hate March. It's gray and mushy and unrelenting...
thundra... tigris did not say antipodes...
It's gray and mushy and unrelenting...
I have a hankering for oatmeal porridge now.
Photo is rather beautiful.
In a totally heterosexual way.
I'm in rightsideupland, t-pants. I'm the blog outlier.
Yeah, Jennifer, it definitely has earned the "mud season" moniker. Razzafrazzin' seasons.
You should check him out, Smut, his work is all quite nice. He's very thin and flexible and can work his body into shapes that fit amazingly well into nature. Also: some have nekkid ladies.
Head expodes.
culti, am not
I am deeply concerned that tigris seems more interested in the skiing than in the nakkidity.
Snow might have some disappointing effects on the anatomy of nekkid men.
At least that is the excuse I use.
tigris, that's an absolutely gorgeous photo. Really. Gorgeous. Yet I can't help but wonder about...shrinkage.
Shrinkage worriers: "suffering for one's art" has a long and distinguished history. Plus he's probably wearing a willie warmer.
And Smut, my brain can entertain multiple thoughts, at least for very short periods. However, Naked Man Skiing DO NOT WANT. Even with willie warmers.
Plus he's probably wearing a willie warmer.
A smoked codpiece.
The piece of cod that passeth understanding.
Ha ha, imagine how embarrassed I was to find out that naked ice skating does NOT mean merely barefoot.
We were up on Mt. Ruapehu a few years ago and the Frau Doktorin bet me two beers that I had more sense than to go nude toboganning.
I was allowed to keep my boots.
cator, Cato the gator
Picture and video or it didn't...actually it's OK I believe you
"actually it's OK I believe you"
Tee hee. AK doesn't want to see Smut's dangly bits?
Plus he's probably wearing a willie warmer.
One summer night I led a rag-tag crew of intoxicated motorcycle enthusiasts on a two-wheeled naked tour of Sacramento. It was actually pretty great.
Plus he's probably wearing a willie warmer.
The willie clothing drawer is already full. Mind you I suppose I could get rid of some of those deely bobbers. You can only wear one of those at once. Um, right?
Bobbing your deelie will make you go blind I hear.
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