Monday, July 11, 2011

Lazy blogging

Lucky to get any blogging at all so you'll have to settle for a "That is Priceless" knock-off. It's either that or more holiday slides.

This is "Two delinquent angels bludgeon St Helena while she naps".


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Well that's what St Helena deserves for going off alla time.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Smut, that blog is really, really funny.

My own caption for the picture:

Slothful Feminist Smote by God's Naked Babies

Hamish Mack said...

I would call it "St. Helena despairs, will the little feckers ever learn about "Going to the shop for 6 Hot Cross Buns".

mikey said...

Does she qualify for sainthood because, unlike her peer group of women in old paintings she kept all her bits covered? 'Cause BOO! I like all naked while draped with some old rags cavorting types, myself.

Here, St. Helena is a small town in the Napa Valley, between Rutherford and Calistoga. When I was but a wee lad on an old rattletrap scooter leaking a variety of petroleum products onto the byways of Northern California, it was a small, poor place, filled with picturesque ramshackle barns and much less picturesque single wide trailer houses.

It has now become something of an Agricultural Disneyland, with pristine vinyards and perfectly paved side roads leading to world renowned restaurants that give you really good food in microscopic quantities - a kind of voluntary mass delusion, the Homeopathy of Dining.

Me, I'd recommend turning around between the limos and tour buses and head back to Rutherford, just a mile south, where you can stop at V Satui for a kick ASS Cab, a hunk of italian salami and some local sheeps milk cheese, to be eaten on the wide expanse of grass along the highway...

Substance McGravitas said...


Smut Clyde said...

that blog is really, really funny.

You would think I would be grateful to M. Bouffant for introducing me to a blog far funnier than Riddled.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Bouffant introduced you to my blog? I was not aware.

M. Bouffant said...

Brevity is the mole of wit.