If your house was burning, what would you take with you?

Mucius Scaevola here has gone all meta on us (or perhaps he read too much Terry Pratchett and confused a joke with practical advice) and he is taking the fire with him. But we cut a lot of slack for anyone stuck with the name "Mucius".
This fellow has no such excuse.
A man is entitled to take his Sonic the Hedgehog cuddly toy with him when his house and pants are on fire (why else would he wear a dress?)
*Ahem* Herr Doctor Smut Clyde hereby makes the 1000th Riddled post. Donations to the Old Entomologist Irregular Latin Verbs and Sausage Roll club, please.
Really I wasn't counting, honest.
He was discounting.
Stop talking, d000d...YOUR HAND IS ON FIRE!!!
it's a simple trick.
I am open to the hypothesis that the lower image is actually an anachronistic appearance of a rambutan in Western art, centuries before they were first imported into Europe. I will inform the Dresden art museum that they have bought a fake.
Perhaps it is evidence that the salted rambutan trade began much earlier than thought?
I demand to know where you guys got that snapshot from our fourth of july party.
Sure enough, that's me tending the grille in my decorative second-chance body armor, lethal edged weapons, hot pants and black sheer stockings. Whee!
All the way to the right is my sister's friend old Bob. Old Bob hadn't seen me since I was a teenager, and felt compelled to mention my robust growth around the middle - so I killed him.
Next to him my sister sits, chastising me for killing the guests AGAIN, with her signature sensible shoes, rakish hat and ever-present back-scratcher. She's always struggled with unsightly rashes.
The boys are lined up for their burgers, with Little Bill dressed disturbingly in a silk tunic with no underpants, black helmet and lance. Up on the deck you can see Zombie and a few others, industriously downing tankard after tankard of our Sailor Jerry's. And in the far background on the left, you can see the neighbors sneaking in, either to join the festivities uninvited, destroy the stereo (or at least that subwoofer) or perhaps, attempt some kind of biblical slaughter like they did back in oh two...
W/V reminds us of one of Sun Micro's classic early attempts at marketing to gays with the quickly withdrawn slogan: sparcl
Next to him my sister sits
That explains the family resemblance, which had been puzzling me.
I didn't even notice at first, look in the lineup waiting for my perfectly grilled meat products.
Yep. It's Frank the Fireman, in a lovely red and white summer hat, carrying his REALLY LONG STICK. He started carrying the RLS around with him a few years ago. Even after his wife divorced him and his therapist gave up, he still won't leave the house without that REALLY LONG STICK. And as you can clearly see, it is REALLY LONG...
Donations to the Old Entomologist Irregular Latin Verbs and Sausage Roll club, please.
The cheque is in the mail!
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