Australian political fursuit cosplay

Mr Goodridge won’t reveal membership numbers in Australia, saying only that "we have people all over the place" and adding that since the website launched on August 28 he has been in contact with a federal Minister and other MPs.Though the article is a year old, its closing paragraph provides an insight into The Australian's emphasis on accuracy:
Several Republican incumbents have been replaced by so-called "Tea Party" candidates, most recently Delaware congressman Mike Castle, who has been replaced by the Tea Party-backed Christine O'Donnell.

Instead, News International have moved on to a newer and shinier toy, the Convoy of No Confidence. This is some people demanding a new election because they lost the previous one and the current Australian Govt. is therefore an undemocratic, illegitimate bunch of usurpers. Sadly, the concept of "2nd-Amendment Remedies" is foreign to Australian law and tradition, making for less colourful rhetoric when they address their failure at the ballot-box. They are a Popular Movement and not at all political.
Rally organiser [...] Mick Pattel was previously preselected as Liberal National Party candidate for the Labor-held Queensland state seat of Mount Isa, before pulling out.[...][Opposition Leader] Tony Abbott yesterday joined the convoy, boarding a Canberra-bound truck at Marulan near Goulburn. Speaking on the Ten Network's The Bolt Report, the Opposition Leader said it was his responsibility to be the "voice of the voiceless" and "speak up for people who have been disenfranchised by government". He said the participants were "salt of the earth Aussies who are hard working and want to see a government that deals fairly with them".

* The correct collective term, would I lie?
[Opposition Leader] Tony Abbott yesterday joined the convoy, boarding a Canberra-bound truck at Marulan near Goulburn.
Probably the first time he'd seen a truckie, or been driven anywhere but to Canberra (Our Nation's Capital) or church (he's a religious semi-nutter: not as crazy as Bachmann, but then the universe could not sustain two such).
Speaking on the Ten Network's The Bolt Report,
Oh, enough said. Andrew Bolt is enough to make a stoned koala go screamingly feral. The man is hateful, deceitful, and seems to be angling for a move to Fox News.
the Opposition Leader said it was his responsibility to be the "voice of the voiceless"
What, all those rich fundamentalists like him?
and "speak up for people who have been disenfranchised by government".
For truth, he should have added "disenfranchised by the previous Liberal government (led by John Howard who was a weasel who was constantly trying to crawl up Bush's arse)".
He said the participants were "salt of the earth Aussies who are hard working and want to see a government that deals fairly with them".
Pig's fat arse. His interest is wholly and solely to spend as much time as possible sledging the Gillard government, or any Labor government. Total tosspot.
PS - sorry for the extended rant, but both Bolt and Abbott go off the scale on the wanker-meter.
Bartertown would be the perfect example of a Libertarian paradise.
Master/Blaster 2012!
sorry for the extended rant
Extended rants are quite in order when a politician uses "disenfranchised" to mean "not currently in power" and a right-wing media empire pretends that an industry lobby group is an expression of the oppressed masses.
Bartertown would be the perfect example of a Libertarian paradise.
Re. the post title, I'm interested to see if the 1975 Convoy becomes a glibertarian anthem. I'm assuming that when News International picked "Convoy of No Confidence" as the name for this rally-to-ignore-election-result, they were hoping to appeal to their demographic's dim memories of the song.
Rant on Alison. "Mad Monk" Abbot is a scary fucker all right.
Bolt has a TV show?!?! Fecking hell. If he gets one can Riddled TV be far away??
And now the jackboot of thugs is argling bargling
Well no it's not but Mr Alan Jones,a popular plagiarist (... followed Jones' publication of a column predicting an oil crisis, in which a large amount of material had been taken from Frederick Forsyth's novel 'The Negotiator' without attribution or indication that their source was a work of fiction.) is lying for his supper.
Oh dear what a pity never mind.
The convoy certainly did not live up to the organisers' promise of closing down the streets of the nation's capital.
A few hundred protestors showed up in Canberra after joining convoys of trucks, Winnebagos and other vehicles festooned with banners calling for a fresh election.
There's also that er, whatjamacallit, thing, oh yeah, constitution. They can't just call an election for both houses of parliament whenever they want to. Gotta have some boring old legal things like a supply bill not being passed. Which is, so, totes worse than the NAZIS.
The protestors were evidently provided with a batch of teaparty-surplus Don't Step on Me snake posters, which they had to modify for local conditions.
The angry mob has got that Old, White thing going on, as per instructions.
I love the poster "Can't trust a sly fox, black swan, or green slime."
Uh, the d00d's in the drouthy antipodes, is he unaware of the local swan population, or are the All-black swans of the antipodes particularly aggressive?
Even more likely, did Dick Armey's dick army send a container ship full of signs south?
Speaking of black swans, the Whackyweedia is unhelpful as to when they were introduced to the Podes, but here's one from a 1836 painting from Copenhagen.
Close-up from the archives.
can Riddled TV be far away??
There's a further away?
David Goodridge himself preferred to wear his kangaroo fursuit to interviews.
You're saying there's something wrong with that?
of course Australians would be right to distrust all black swans. It is well documented that they cheer for the wrong rugby team.
B^4, from the window on the other side of my building I can see a river in which there are some black swans (okay, the river's only about 10 feet deep and most of that's sludge, but that's why we're sister city to Christchurch in NZ - we both got weeny rivers).
And those swans can be mean buggers when riled, which occurs when (a) they're nesting, and (b) you're sitting on the grassy riverbank enjoying the sunshine and you've got some food they want. I've seen many wee kiddies cry because their sandwiches got snatched by black monsters bigger than themselves.
By the by, can anyone explain to me why WP will no longer let me post anything at Sadly, No!? I come here and make a comment, and suddenly I'm Aussie non grata at S,N! Can't even send them an email whining about it.
See what I've sacrificed for you, Smut?
Just Alison, mebbe you have to go to the "tools" tab and clear recent history. Then tick the cache and cookies box and press clear. Then try SN again.
Mebbe, mebbe not.
Wordpress hates your cookies.
For what it's worth, I find your cookies completely adequate...
By the by, can anyone explain to me why WP will no longer let me post anything at Sadly, No!?
Perhaps they have a BAD LANGUAGE filter.
We should probably write moar posts about Asian cinema to keep Alison commenting here.
You can never steal too many images from '5 Deadly Venoms' and 'MPD Psycho'.
Perhaps they have a BAD LANGUAGE filter.
Yes, Ms."sodding buggery goddammit" Alison
Then try SN again.
Or if you have any really witty rejoinders and insightful insights, you can pass them to us, and we will post them on S,N! under our own names.
Ah, people would notice if was too witty, though.
Wordpress hates your cookies.
Bit of projection here Mikey. We don't like your cookies and do not wish to see them.
Wordpress hates your cookies.
Sob, choke.
For what it's worth, I find your cookies completely adequate...
Thank you, mikey, you're such a silver-tongued devil.
And oh, Smut, bad language filter indeed - if the intertubes had such a thing I'd never get anywhere.
Glad you liked the MPD Psycho image, though. Miike is one of the weirdest bastards on god's green earth - try seeing Ichi The Killer if you doubt me.
By the other by, did anyone scroll mightily down the page to see the comment I left on the 3 Magi post? That pic was quite disturbing when it's enlarged, I gotta tells ya.
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