"The usual ones." I read out the list.
"I thought PSA was a Kiwifruit disease," the Doktorling remarked from the back seat.
"This one is to do with the prostate," I mansplained, "which is a couple of inches away from the kiwifruit, though they are connected." The Frau Doktorin was driving so I knew she couldn't hit me.
I am now regretting the missed opportunity to make up a story about 'creatinine' being a specific hormone responsible for evolution denialism.
Oh, you think you're clever, but now all the world has your NHI #!
I am also pleased to see that "Pregnant" does not have a ring around it. There is no pregnancy leave at Riddled Corp.
I hope you studied for this one.
The Frau Doktorin was driving so I knew she couldn't hit me.
She only wants you to think that. I can hit anyone, anywhere in the car, even when driving, and they all know it...
Imagine his surprise when the expected public service announcement turned out to be a finger in his bum.
If I remember correctly, on radio in the US those PSAs are supposed to happen twice every hour (around :20 and :40), so two for the price of one!
After reading these last two comments, I think the title should be "Venturing into Snag".
Also, I'm assuming that at Riddled, fasting means everything but beer.
It's a well-known fact that beer can only improve one's blood chemistry, Jennifer.
a finger in his bum.
Slippin' Into Darkness.
"Venturing into Snag territory"
It's OK, he's not armed.
He does have a large enthusiastic dog, and several possessed children (I never got firm count)
Also, I'm assuming that at Riddled, fasting means everything but beer.
Oh yeah, there are other things besides beer, I forget that stuff.
Imagine his surprise when the expected public service announcement turned out to be a finger in his bum.
At least doc didn't try to get a guitar up there.
Has ZRM found his missing iPod yet?
But every time I shift in my seat, Blue Oyster Cult plays out of my ass.
Thank you so very much for calling in AK, I really appreciated your pov, and you added another dimension to the show. I was glad Bouffant called in and we all got to talk together! It's sweet to finally hear the voice of someone you only know via their writings and thoughts online.
You can listen to the archived show if you want to hear how we all sounded, it was pretty good I think. If we can get more of the usual suspects to call in at the same time, we can have an online virtual party of sorts! Of course we would have to stick to the topic of OWS..at least loosely stick to it as that is the sole purpose of the daily show.
So thanks again sweet man. ;-)
Yeah I really enjoyed it. Bouffant was great. And you, my dear, grace under pressure doesn't cover it, bravo!
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