Riddled is a family blog so we must tread carefully and maintain the proper delicacy when we discuss
Wilhelm Fliess (1858-1928), and in particular his "idiosyncratic theories, such as reflex nasal neuroses, postulating a connection between the nose and the genitals". The last time we alluded in passing to
semen constituents as nasal sprays, the Comments thread soon spiralled down into a shameful slough of moral turpitude. This is why we can't have nice things.

Freud referred occasional patients to [Fliess] for treatment of their neurosis through anaesthetization of the nasal mucosa with cocaine, and through nasal surgery. [...] Emma Eckstein (1865-1924) had a particularly disastrous experience when Freud referred the then 27-year-old patient to Fliess for surgery to remove the turbinate bone from her nose, ostensibly to cure her of premenstrual depression.
The "nose = sex organ" theory is not dead, however. People have linked the nasal congestion of
honeymoon rhinitis with the engorgement of internal erectile tissue. And here is an

Over at
Bad Science, one commenter points out that he already receives a sufficiently hostile reception when he's on the train or at work and deals with nasal congestion by blowing his nose.

If only someone had informed me earlier in life that this is supposed to happen every time.
Ah. That's why a sneeze can feel like having a light, brief orgasm. Sometimes I'm tempted to sniff pepper just for the pleasure of sneezing a few times. Naturally, I resist that urge because it wastes good pepper and is not as efficient as my Homedic PA-100 Professional Percussion Massager, which is whispering my name as we speak.
If you happen to have two jars in the kitchen and you know that one contains paprika and the other one cayenne pepper, but the labels have fallen off so you don't know which is which, it turns out that you can detect the difference by sniffing them but there are serious side-effects.
So that one doctor who tried to treat my allergies with his wang was on the up and up?
Sometimes a nose is just a nose, people.
But sometimes it's a peen.
It is known that sexual arousal in men is followed by penile erection and subsequent ejaculation.
Professors of human sexuality courses, update your lecture notes accordingly.
Time to reread Gogol's story with greater attention to mentions of snuff.
It is known that sexual arousal in men is followed by penile erection and subsequent ejaculation.
Well come on, if this ALWAYS happened life would be somewhat messier.
pfah, try to get linky-fancy and you get fucked by a nose. Trying again:
Scientists tell us things we already knew.
What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be making another blog?
on the up and up
Is that what you kids are calling it?
Another comment8r at Bad Science complains that masturbation sometimes makes his nasal congestion worse, depending on posture and aim.
I completely forgot the "nasal goatse" dream sequence in Gravity's Rainbow in which Slothrop's nostril dilates enough for Trudi to crawl inside.
Oh. Great Smut. Thank you. Rock me to sleep.
depending on posture and aim.
Aim? Jebus, I bet you can buy little bullseye targets.
I wonder what this tells us about Tycho Brahe's love life.
Some historians have speculated that he wore a number of different prosthetics for different occasions, noting that a copper nose would have been more comfortable and less heavy than a precious metal one.[2]
pfah, try to get linky-fancy and you get fucked by a nose. Trying again:
Talk about winning by a nose!
Some historians have speculated that he wore a number of different prosthetics for different occasions, noting that a copper nose would have been more comfortable and less heavy than a precious metal one
He saved the latex one for special occasions.
Yuck! (BBBB) I guess I should have been imagining a smooth shiny sheath, not the one with the blunt edges and cold connections.
I don't think there's a magical "ye olde pineal gland" to explain the connection twixt nose and gneticals... shouldn't they be onto the limbic system and deep tissue stimulation and all that? Like because an amazing (non-sexual) massage makes your nose run like crazy.
Even if I have long since closed down the quaint little storefront in olde towne Sacramento, I still have half a storage locker of parts and equipment, including three or four complete drop-in parts kits for that Homedic PA- Series unit, which is an odd combination of a robust motor and somewhat cheesey ABS construction.
I've done a lot of work on those babies...
Which "family?" The Cosa Nostra or the Manson?
OMG nose surgery spam! This is the awesomest thing ever! I tells ya, when I need nose surgery I am CERTAINLY going to look into the folks who use bots to make nonsense comments on nose porn blog posts.
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