When the Tleilaxu eyes go out of whack like this and get stuck on different chronometric settings, there is binocular rivalry and double vision rather than binocular fusion. Some afternoons it is just not worth getting out of bed.
This discovery is over forty years old now. A group of enterprising researchers on a sandy beach in Northern California discovered that with the administration of the proper dose of appropriate substances, one could use the hollow round cardboard cores of paper towel rolls to cause one's typically binocular vision to deliver to the brain two completely different images.
The startling discovery, however, was that the result of this was involuntary vocalizations such as "WHOA, MAN, that's SO cool" and great peals of laughter...
King's Lead Hat is an anagram for _____________.
Hat Lead Kings?
Shit Lake Gland?
I'm betting that the Tleilaux gets drunk and naked in the hot tub, just like the rest of us animals.
Now we know what happened to the Bremen musicians. They were tight.
They really skimped on the Muybridge series!
Multi-pupil boy sounds a lot like Cuchulain.
Go figure.
Lead Kings Hat?
a dalek's thing
A man, a plan, anagram!
-- This palindrome business is harder than it looks.
The Bremen artist is Maurizio Cattelan. Did anyone see his retrospective at teh Guggenheim?
One of his sculptures may be relevant to ZRM.
This discovery is over forty years old now. A group of enterprising researchers on a sandy beach in Northern California discovered that with the administration of the proper dose of appropriate substances, one could use the hollow round cardboard cores of paper towel rolls to cause one's typically binocular vision to deliver to the brain two completely different images.
The startling discovery, however, was that the result of this was involuntary vocalizations such as "WHOA, MAN, that's SO cool" and great peals of laughter...
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