The menacing part is in the Discussion section:

What Chirumbolo et al. are proposing is that a histamine molecule in water can cause the water molecules to arrange themselves around it in a kind of quasi-crystalline cluster -- a cluster having the same chemical and biological properties as the histamine itself. Further, the clusters are self-replicating: they can catalyse the formation of copies of themselves across multiple stages of dilution and succussion. This is a whole new polymorph of H2O, more stable at room temperature than liquid water.**

If a sample escaped from the laboratory it would nucleate a change of state of all the water in the ocean into more quasi-crystals (the Katz-Cray-Dell effect). This always ends badly, with waterspouts and mass extinctions and a nigh-universal inhibition of CD203c membrane up-regulation in human basophils.

But wait; another homeopathic threat to life on earth stands revealed:
69TOO LATE! Behold the horror that is Homeopathic Black Hole!
But scientists who guided their studies based on [homeopathic] theory failed to make progress.
How can you say that, when the Materia Medica has grown to include 'homeopathic positronium' and 'homeopathic shipwreck'?! PROGRESS!Posted by: herr doktor bimler | May 10, 2012 5:45 PM71
herr doktor bimler @69
You forgot homeopathic light of Saturn. Perhaps we should hold a contest for the most ludicrous homeopathic preparation. Or perhaps not due to the risk of creating a homeopathic black hole of stupidity.Posted by: Militant Agnostic | May 10, 2012 7:26 PM
PREPARATION The remedy was prepared by Rowan Jackson and astronomer, Peter Lipscomb, using an 8" telescope, Meade LX90 aperture telescope. A vial of alcohol was affixed to the viewing end as the telescope was focused on Cygnus X-1’s location within the Cygnus constellation.
COMPILATION Lori Foley and Sandra Haering, with students and alumni of the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy.
METHODOLOGY Twenty provers took the remedy administered in 30C potencies. The proving was double blind format in which neither the supervisors nor the provers were aware of the substance they were taking. During the proving, provers logged symptoms on a daily basis and were in daily contact with their supervisor until symptoms subsided.

** Let us draw a discrete veil over their shonky statistics. They use multiple comparisons without a Bonferonni correction, and the Friedman non-parametric test for unmatched samples -- where the Kruskal-Wallis test is appropriate.
In the future...
Get me my damned flying car, and then we'll see about proving stuff.
The provers searched for analogies to describe the weightless experience of being in space.
• “Feel spacey. Floaty sensation in whole body.” (05)Well described, young scientist! As a reward you may avoid this link.
OMG I have a telescope AND some alcohol, I will have to get RIGHT ON THIS. Though I have found if I dilute alcohol with enough other alcohol I can already get a spacey, floaty feeling, so maybe I don't need to drag the scope out after all?
I am really feeling spacey today. Like I'm from another planet or something.
C'mon- fess up- which one of you Bozos wrote the poem?
Out of Nowhere, Pow! Unshackled
The unseen, Unstoppable, Powerl The Wrath of God
It’s an explosion. I punch him, he punches me. The tiger attacks
It's the Goddamned Big Bang!
Lava, fire, heat, hurricane, with a thunderous roar
It creates and destroys; it is benevolent and malevolent
it takes things away in an instant.
Obliterates, dissolves, disintergrates
OMG. That's IT!
I am now in the bottled drinking water business.
mikey's Highly Ordered Water, to be precise.
See, it's got a dual meaning - the molly cules of water are highly ordered, but the, the UNDERLYING sekret marketing message is that LOTS of people ORDER it!
There are two flavors - Regular and Histamine.
Call or go online today!
Uh oh.
Tip for young folks, use a scoop when weighing out the eyes.
As a reward you may avoid this link.
I see your Rush and raise you one Krautrock.
which one of you Bozos wrote the poem?
BOC lyrics!!
I think I've figured out what is meant by "taking the piss".
That's an entire thread of it, but this in particular made me laugh.
National Geographic is respected the world over and clearly states the Mamba will leg it rather than confront.... Even Angela Merkel has picked it up.
Thunder, that thread is classy enough to be called "Extracting the urine".
Homeopathic black hole is good for colorectal maladies... except for a cerebrorectal impaction, which is a prerequisite for using homeopathic black hole.
Though I have found if I dilute alcohol with enough other alcohol I can already get a spacey, floaty feeling, so maybe I don't need to drag the scope out after all?
Tigris uses SCIENCE!!!
Not an existential threat, huh?
VS' link deserves the "helping ZRM" tag.
The Black Skwirl of Death
What a fucked this post?
Take a Randi pills.
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