"It is a terminally corrupt, commercialised gladiatorial spectacle, designed to disempower the masses by crushing the sense of participation!" we said. So there was general assent and loud 'Huzzahs!' when Evangeline van Holsterin, head barmaid at the
Old Entomologist, announced an
Alternative Olympics to be held in the Tagmosis Bar. "Events should be chosen as genuine contests of athletic excellence, not according to the convenience of sponsors and entertainment corporations!" we said.

"I do not hold with wasabi peas as a bar snack," said Another Kiwi, "they are too easy to get stuck up the nose."
It is not clear whose idea it was to make "Modelling for a
Giacometti Sculpture" into the keynote event. Suspicion turns to Evangeline's idiot boyfriend. Predictably enough, everyone chose to enter as "
Holding the Void (Invisible Object)".

Invisible Puppet-Show
I'm sure I would have scored better if someone had informed me that the judges were awarding points for the costume.
It's getting awfully furry in here...
Rickrolling, 16th Century Flemish Division.
There, y'see?
Dood on the left in the middle certain has the right to bear arms. And for all that, has the decency to keep his junk covered. Yay for him - I bet he's a baptist. But what the hell IS it with the big floppy ears? Back when they made those woodcuts, were there no mirrors?
"Hmm, my ears feel like they probably look like...THIS!!"
And up on top we have Dogman!, Hollywood's latest creation to follow on the remarkable, though somewhat culturally embarrassing success of the Spiderman & Batman franchises...
Guess what? I win.
I can't help but notice that AK never comes off too well in these entries. When do we get the "Smut Clyde gets his penis caught in the DVD player" entry, hmmm?
"Smut Clyde gets his penis caught in the DVD player"
search for it on Youtube. It's hilarious.
Are you suggesting that S.C. doesn't tell it like it happened, vs?
Can't hear you. Can't hear any of you.
Memo to self: Do not insert wasabi peas into ears.
Marbles in noses also.
That is awesome. But I already knew that.
"Smut Clyde gets his penis caught in the DVD player"
In his defense, the DVD player is really hot.
The toaster is giving me the eye again, BRB.
Christ almighty, did you put the toaster into the Evolvamat AGAIN? Because I am not cleaning out any more mammalian crumb trays that is just WRONG.
...tai chi
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