In her gondelay -- a decorative little boat -
[Phaedria] acts the immodest temptress to heroic knights.

A little Gondelay, bedecked trim,
With boughes and arbours woven cunningly,
That like a little forrest seemed outwardly.
And therein sate a lady fresh and fayre,
Making sweet solace to her selfe alone.
Those were simpler days when "sweet solace to oneself" could be achieved by rubbing flowers on one's shoulder and neck. Of course that was before the authorities stepped in and banned flowers in the interests of public morality.
I'm worried about her legs.
Amputee fetishism for no extra charge.
I coulda swore that said "Pubic Morality" and I wrote a whole comment that was very very comment-ary and then I went back and it didn't say that after all.
Those were simpler days when "sweet solace to oneself" could be achieved by rubbing flowers on one's shoulder and neck.
No vibrator-repair specialists back then.
I keep telling these pre-Raphaelites--get a Clarisonic!
I start to get very very very worried when Smut and I have the same thought.
Pre-pre-Raphaelites -- Pickersgill and William Etty were the previous generation of painters. Better artists too IMO.
The little woman in the boat, eh.
Hey, did you guys see Mount Doom erupt?
Better artists too IMO.
Translation: Pornier.
I am too far away from Mt Doom to see anything. There was a sulphur smell around here last night, that was from the eruption apparently.
Nice Etty link. Thanks for the laugh, re: the quip about the "bumboat!"!!!
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