(1) Special cancer-preventative green tea! Contains more EGCG than ordinary green tea; 99% free of invisible monkey hallucination side-effects!
(2) His own nested-PCR super-sensitive rRNA test for Lyme Disease, proven to detect the presence of the Borrelia burgdorferi spirochaete in every blood sample sent to him. Very popular with -- if not targetted at -- the Chronic Lyme Disease crowd when they lose patience with conventional doctors and their conventional tests that obstinately refuse to diagnose anything wrong.
(3) His own nested-PCR DNA test for the human papilloma virus, HPV. Not just any DNA target, either, but the recombinant DNA used in the manufacture of HPV vaccines such as Gardasil. Again, it is an infallible test that delivers a positive response every time. Apparently the HPV from vaccines binds itself to microparticles of aluminium hydroxyphosphate (present in the vaccine to stimulate the immune response), which is (a) how it lingers indefinitely in the body after an injection, and (b) why conventional tests can't detect it, and why you need Dr Lee's double-secret-probation technology instead. He has offered the FDA the right to license the test in lieu of whatever tests they do support, and their refusal of the offer -- on the specious grounds that he won't tell them how it works, which he can't do, because it is an unpatentable proprietory trade secret -- is hurtful indeed.
Now as any fule kno, the earliest self-replicating molecules -- back in the dawn of life -- were aluminosilicate structures of clay; the aluminosilicates catalysed the polymerisation of RNA and DNA molecules adhering to them; eventually the DNA learned the trick of self-replicating by itself, and forgot its lowly origins. This is Cairns-Smith's Clay Hypothesis and I am not making this up. Kaolin and zeolite might be our ultimate ancestors.*
So it makes perfect sense that HPV DNA fragments might be binding to aluminium... it is merely reverting. And this is a BAD THING because before you know it there will be human / clay hybrids and it will be the Day of the Golem.**

We warned you about clay / human
cross-breeding but NO-ONE LISTENED
cross-breeding but NO-ONE LISTENED

That inquest is now escalating into a perfect storm of quackery and bullshit, for the mother of this particular dead teenager -- not content with sending blood samples off to Dr Lee for an UNBIASSED INDEPENDENT REVIEW -- had also arranged for brain tissue to be sent to Dr Christopher Shaw of British Columbia, another anti-vaccine crusader with previous form, whose specialty is finding toxic levels of aluminium in any samples that are sent to him. Suffice to say that the mother is a true believer in the Gardasil-dunnit theory.
HMS Sheffield demonstrating the toxicity of aluminium

For $5000, he will run the same tests for you!! [nowhere in his proposed testing schedule is there any mention of DNA, and it is quite possible that the journalists dreamed up that detail]
* Zeolitic crystals are not to be confused with a Glagolitic Mass.** A Sumerian creation myth tells us that Enki created the first humans as servants for the gods, by mixing clay with the divine life-essence in the form of the blood of Kingu. Yeah, sure, "blood", if you know what I mean a.I.t.y.d.
UPDATED with additional boring details:A commenter at Respectful Insolence calls our attention to yet another of Dr Lee's commercial sidelines -- the "world-renowned scientist and researcher" has also invented a mouth ulcer ointment that contains penicillin to kill bacteria. I bet everyone is now kicking themselves and wishing they'd thought of that. The product's website asserts that Lee is still "a pathologist at Milford Hospital and the director of Milford Medical Laboratory", before citing his inclusion in a series of notorious vanity Who's Who publications.
Dr Shaw (whom God preserve) of UBC is much-run-after within anti-vaccine circles for coming up with aluminium to play the role of bogeyman, just in time to fill a gap left by the crashing and burning of the blame-thimerserol theory. A high point in his academic career is perhaps his co-authorship of an argument that the aluminium adjuvant in many vaccines is responsible for autism.
The paper goes cherry-picking, and then compares the results with apples [Insert additional fruit-related imagery here]. Its Figure 1 plots ASD diagnoses in the US against aluminium exposure in that year (rather than the years in which the freshly-diagnosed individuals were personally exposed), implying a time-reversed model of causality in which ASD incidence controls aluminium exposure of 6 to 21 years previously. One is led ineluctably to the conclusion that as well as all those other nasties like squalene and Polysorbate-80, vaccines contain thiotimoline.
Good news, it turns out that clay-human hybrids are vulnerable to avian DNA.
*** The authors compare autism rates from different countries with different criteria for diagnosing 'autism'... the original sources for the Scandiwegian data state explicitly that those studies were only counting severe cases.
UPDATE2: Bonus belated guilt. Criticisms of Dr Shaw's results are hum'rous exaggerations and his integrity is not in question, only his rightness. I relied on what a NZ journalist said about Shaw's testimony -- rather than what he might have actually said -- and this is always a mistake. In comments at Orac's blog he makes it clear that he examined tissue samples with a monoclonal antibody targeted at one variety of HPV shell protein, allowing him to find "something the 16 antibody binds to", rather than observing virus per se.
Why would invisible monkeys hallucinate?
Because they ate invisible mushrooms, zrm.
Dr Christopher Shaw of British Columbia
Well that's embarrassing.
Would it be a sin to hang Lee?
And this is a BAD THING because before you know it there will be human / clay hybrids and it will be the Day of the Golem.
HELLO mollycule theory says CHECK THE POTTERS.
I'd look in the Pottery Barn for them, tigris.
I usually call them 'stoners', tigris.
Thunder's advice is good for finding golem farmers. On the other paw Zombie has confused ceramicists with lapidaries.
Zombie is confused.
It's a lifestyle. DON'T JUDGE ME.
Of course, you will all be sent to the Noggin Farms after the zompocalypse.
99% free of invisible monkey hallucination side-effects!
That's the only reason I drink the crap.
I will grow cauliflower for the vegezombians.
To invoke stone heads without mentioning Zardoz is JUST NOT DONE!
I think the one time we tried to Zardoz Riddled, they kept putting up new posts.
I KNOW FOR A FACT that during the Great Pinko Ahemmorage, they kept doing so.
Sheesh. But since they are Australian*, what more could we expect?
* Australia, New Zealand, what's the difference?
* Australia, New Zealand, what's the difference?
It is much like the difference between Brittish Columbia and Columbian Brittain
* Australia, New Zealand, what's the difference?
ZRM is trying to fan the flames of violent negative emotions but I refuse to be goaded.
perhaps the Hobbit will be a decent movie if they film it in Australia.
The Clean? They are no Mekons.
It is a little late to be refusing the goats, Herr smut.
hey, if anybody in the bloogerhood was paying attention, I would say we should Zardoz this crappy old place.
But that smacks of effort, and I have the patio half of the half deck to finish.
Someone with only one citizenship or nationality might easily be offended, ZRM.
Gonna add more images now but NO FLOATING STONE HEADS.
Who is gonna notice a few more stone heads in New Zild?
Also the floating stone are on their way
Someone with only one citizenship or nationality
Ooh, ooh, you mentioned me in the same breath as the might Orac! I am somewhat overcome & must go have a lie-down (& a glass of good Hawkes Bay red, on account of how I am currently in Hastings)
Someone with only one citizenship or nationality might easily be offended, ZRM.
I am confuzzled. Are you trying to imply that NZ and Oz are not the same countries? Why would anybody do that? When did we base nationalities on Risk boards?
If you guys would get your shit together and join with your Aussie neighbors, the rest of the world might take your phone calls and you wouldn't have to act out with incomprehensible blogs and drinking problems.
"Drinking problems"? I have beer and whisky. No problem.
Gentlewoman said...
OK, there's two of us now....
There. I said it. Of course, I've got to sleep or I will end up with a keyboard print on my forehead.
I'm back! Where is everyone?
Nice keyboard print, ITTDGY.
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