B.B.B Bastard (esq.) claims to head the list of Goofle hits for the phrase 'Unapologetic ass man'. He should look to his laurels, is all I can say. Don't let A.K. steal them. I think he cooks with them or something.
Images come from a particular Renaissance iconographic tradition known as the "Pope-Ass" or the "Papal Ass", initiated by Luther and Melachthon, who were as well-known in their day as Sherlock and Watson (Luther was the detective, Melachthon was his trusty amanuensis). The story also involved the 'monk-calf' visual tradition, and continued to reverberate a century later into Liceti's volume "De Monstrorum".
The oral exams for a Diploma in Advanced Explaining Voice require one to recite the entire saga.
Careful, teh Grate Gazoogle might slap A WARNING LABLE on ye Olde Riddled Blogue.
I seen it happen!
I know secondary sexual characteristics can be deceiving, but that looks more like an ass-woman.
So when a person calls someone a "chicken butt" is this what they mean?
Whoa. Jazz hooves.
And dood, I thought I grooved on fishnet stockings. Hah. Little did I know how friggin HOT fish SCALE stockings could be.
Hubba. Squared.
Is that what happened to fish? One of you pervs turned him into fetish-wear?
So when a person calls someone a "chicken butt" is this what they mean?
I guess it's warm and everything but the chickens don't look happy to be there.
Because my posting has been more sporadic and more politcally-oriented, my search terms have gotten considerably less weird and porny, which I find a bit of a relief, except when people start playing the "look at my awesome search terms!" card.
But in a list of mostly the same old same old, I still get some gooduns like "girls take it in the ass." Nice. And "gary larson sexy." Hmmmm.
Is it getting hot in here or is it just Gary Larson?
Continuing to pander to the 'My Little Pony' fetishists
There's nothing wrong with knowing your audience. And we all know B^4 is a huge perv.
My Hulking Pony has a sad.
And after a good Googling - whoa is that smoke nice! - I sense a wide gap in the middle of the Tom of Finland - My Little Pony continuum.
nice big pony for you, Subs, just needs a rainbow goatse on its flank.
Whoa. Jazz hooves.
That, sir, is the Tölt, a special gait performed by Icelandic horses (made possible by a single mutation and altered connections in their spinal cords).
B.B.B Bastard (esq.) claims to head the list of Goofle hits for the phrase 'Unapologetic ass man'
Meanwhile, Neal Horsley is the number one unapologetic mule man, and he's probably rubbing one out to this post as we speak.
I could never make up something that weird and gross. But somehow I feel less weird for what I did with that eggplant that one time.
I could never make up something that weird and gross.
Perhaps not, but you'll never know until you *try*.
Please notice my forbearance in *not* having the ponies chasing Ann Althouse (mainly because I couldn't be arsed stripping them out of their backgrounds).
OTOH, it would be possible to use the Div and Marquee tags so that a Panzerpope runs back and forth *behind* the ponies.
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