Sure enough, even at the height of 1930s isolationism the State Department was monitoring European progress in Monster technology. No-one wanted to fall behind or allow a Monster Gap to open.
The architects have cleverly designed the Monster Tower to look like a Corymorpha nutans hydroid so that no-one will notice it.
The ring of portals at each of the three levels contain powerful hydraulics that can open the great steel doors in seconds and spill monsters out across Paris.
The specific choice of monster -- gargoyles, radioactive dinosaurs, pterodactyls, drunken giants -- depending on the unwitting choices made by the Parisians themselves. This may seem harsh but the occasional sacrificial devastation of one metropolis or another is the price we pay to appease the Old Gods of chaos and wildfire.
Also if we renege on our side of the deal, the Old Gods will stop providing us with Marmite. That probably explains the involvement in the Monster Tower of an Australian religious subsidiary / breakfast-food manufacturer.
UPDATED with bonus city-destroying monsters.
that can open the great steel doors in seconds and spill monsters out across Paris
Can we propitiate the elder gods in some way so as to make this happen in Houston instead?
High speed monster elevators?
Eat your heart out, Mittens Rmoney!
The tower is also carefully protected by mime fields.
sheesh, a Cabin In The Woods reference?
Traditionalist that I am, I'd prefer the monster to be a giant gorilla.
sheesh, a Cabin In The Woods reference?
You were expecting a BOC-lyric title?
Traditionalist that I am, I'd prefer the monster to be a giant gorilla.
Bad choice. He just wants to go to the top of the tower and won't destroy Paris AT ALL.
Imma waiting for Marmite Green.
You were expecting a BOC-lyric title?
kinda, yeah.
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