Blind skwirls seek guide-dog

The idea originally came from Another Kiwi, to stock "Sexy Bankruptcy Barrel" costumes in the Gift Shop, in honour of the continuing strength of the NZ Dollar and to celebrate the increase of chocolate rations to 25 grams per week. But even a blind squirrel is right twice a day, and even a roomful of monkeys with typewriters will find a truffle given time enough, and the
Riddled Enterprises governing board voted in favour of the proposal (at a moment in the meeting when I had been sent out of the boardroom on a spurious errand involving left-handed spanners).
So here are glamorous supermodels Greenish Hugh and I, in sample costumes, posing for photographs that will bring customers to the Gift Shop in their droves, a drove being one of the few vehicles large enough to fit a freshly-purchased
Bankruptcy Barrel in the back. "Look sexy!" tigris exhorts us; "Wear them with
elan and
panache!" This is although we were told that wearing underclothes was cheating, even French ones. Also we have a sad on account of not fitting through the door into the
Old Entomologist.

And look at AK in the garden bar! Somehow the jammy bastard has equipped himself with a different costume altogether. I call shenanigans.
We will see what the Dream Machine has to say about this.
UPDATE: In comments we continue to be the butt of tigris' jokes.

The individual to the left is being forced to dress in barrels as a humiliating punishment for a traffic speeding offense. He was caught doing the tun.
"Wear them with elan and panache!"
If your models include Elam this is a failing venture.
Oh man, just don't tell me it's my turn in the barrel.
But even a blind squirrel is right twice a day,
Not hardly. Squirrels are as evil as Catlick Preests.
However, I have no particular problem with coating them in blue-black plastic and arranging them in art displays. In fact I encourage it.
I recall that to stave off exactly the sort of problems we encountered I recommended we should use stock photos, and was pilloried for it.
Also we have a sad on account of not fitting through the door into the Old Entomologist
Tigris is evil.
I guess I am not surprised that a Canuckinoid is disparaging Jack Elam in the comments of an Australian blog.
Heh. You guys are more fun than a barrel of naked babes..
go to work, mikey.
Exhibit A is NOT A BARREL. Also not a cask, firkin, butt or other cooperish product that might have held cheering beverages or salted meat at the least. In fact it appears to be a lampshade though amusingly decorated and worn.
I recall that to stave off exactly the sort of problems we encountered I recommended we should use stock photos, and was pilloried for it.
Why be hobbled by a stock photo agency? Don't get shackled into a restrictive licensing deal -- unfettered access to free photos is common now.
I must say Greenish Hugh and Smut do both look absolutely dashing in their drunkard's collars. I hope this new fashion trend catches on.
OBS Tengrain is the 'go to' guy for fashion news
If you can't do the tun, don't do the run. Or summat.
stock stock photo
Tigris is evil.
That would explain the monocle and the white Persian cat.
Stock photograph.
Shuttered fish stock and rightly so.
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