From: the
Subject: Jiggery-pokery and shenanigans with temporal coherence.
A number of misuses of the office Time Machine appear to have occurred recently and it is my melancholy duty to remind everyone that our investment in temporal-manipulation equipment is for serious scientific purposes. It was not intended for activities such as (for instance) bidding in antique auctions in several hundred years' time, using funds of a purely provisional and insubstantive nature arising from small deposits paid into a Bonus Bonds account three decades previously -- or contrary-wise, auctions two centuries in the past -- and arranging for the resulting purchases to be shipped back here.

See also Exhibit 2. According to the packaging information, it is one of a portfolio of "Pickwick Papers: Out-takes & Bloopers". Allegedly none of the actors were aware of the presence of a glowing circle within the room when the scene was staged, the 'Orbe' coming to their attention only when the illustration came back from processing.
Whoever purchased it can send it right back to Sotheby's. Riddled is a blog of taste and discrimination and we do not stoop to publishing Victorian photogravure illustrations repurposed with hum'rous captions about "Mrs Gamp was lighting her farts again".
Poor orb!
It has lost its Metrobus and is wandering around, bereft.
It's probably an inscrutable aphorism from the future, like 'those who leap from clouds land in onions'.
Or 'imagine god's foot stomping on alliums, FOREVER'.
My advice?
Don't even bid on the Loc-Nar. Maybe Donald Trump will buy it...
I will have warned you not to muck about with time machines.
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