Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"I’m knitting it into a pair of socks. Nothing fits better nor wears longer than solid wire socks"

...Except Metal Baby Shoes! Guaranteed not to wear out!
See, that was our mistake. We should have called ourselves 'engineers' and no-one would have blinked an eye. "Oh, engineers, they do that sort of thing all the time."


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Yesterday's Tomorrow, Today!

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

So, thunder, does this mean that all tomorrow's parties are actually going on right now?

tigris said...

"Go in Business on a Shoe-String!"

You plant it and it grows into a magic shoe vine. You do have to trade your cow for it, though. Alternately: putting the small in small business, because even one of those wide novelty shoe lace jobbies would accommodate only the tiniest of factories.

mikey said...

Something something Iron Man...

WV sniffs "How Priodsbu"

Nothing like an elitest Romanian robot...

Substance McGravitas said...

I have this metal bull I'm working on, and I just need someone to climb inside and test it. Anyone?

anne said...

smut, i book marked the alien shoe'/shoes for the next time i'm over by the ..paw .. .