As it happens, the footage above is not from the actual production, which has been postponed, with rehearsals currently suspended for health reasons. Instead it comes from tuning the Riddled Dream Machine to record "Santa Claus' Worst Nightmare". Cast members are all expected to make a full recovery, owing to prompt administration of the Galactic-Imperial Christmas Ale and Universal Antidote* to the appropriate orifices. Throgmorton remains tight-lipped as to the source of the 'special mince pies' he provided for the RADS AGM. Most of the cast remain tight-lipped as well, though that appears to be an effect of the botulinum toxin.
It is fortunate that Santa's dream follows the script of our pantomime so closely. Evidently what makes it so nightmarish for him is the Doppelganger / Trippelganger aspect.
Santa is not the only one to be frightened of meeting his own image walking in the garden:
Some people are more badly affected by the experience than others.
* Also known as GIXA, but only if you don't mind sounding like you have hiccups.
Le pètomane improves any Xmas pageant.
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