Friday, March 28, 2014

Well I stepped into an avalanche, It covered up my soul

I had a hard time from family and teachers in my teens for reading schlocky thrillers instead of studying.
Still, I learned the word 'liquefaction' and knew better over the subsequent four decades than to build a house beside glacial-moraine landslide geology in the Pacific North-West Coast, so the time was not totally wasted.


Trevor said...

You should also have learnt the word "thixotropic", if I recall.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You'll never make it as a real estate salesman, S.C.

Smut Clyde said...

Trevor's memory is correct.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

I never knew there were novelizations of Stevie Nicks' songs.

Helmut Monotreme said...

Several years ago when I briefly considered a career change into hydrology, I borrowed my brother's old hydrology textbook. The first freaking example of the real world consequences of ignoring hydrology was that of landslides in Washington state. If they are that common there, why are people ignoring the potential danger?