That is unpossible, however, for it ascribes some influence to a tiny fringe of demented grifters, while requiring that our media are so lazy that they simply parrot back whatever phrases they have heard most recently. I am sure that "blood moon" has always been the term of choice.
UPDATE: Science fiction writers in 1973 had some weird pessimistic notions on how psychotic and isolationist American culture could become. Disch's moon-themed "Anthology of Political Forebodings" includes, among many other fine stories, Sladek's "The Great Wall of Mexico" IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPHECY.
...Needs more Chrome.
I was just looking. It's not that big.
That's what she said.
Happy to report a rare moment of pride in the New York TImes, which covered the event nicely without using the word "blood".
I took a pic of the moon last night. Too early for the eclipse part, but heck, I got one.
Damn, I wish the fundies would get on with their Rapture.
Blood moon is what follows "I'll pop a cap in your ass."
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