Thursday, January 29, 2015

A drug by the name of "World Without End" is an on-line quackpill service offering "the affordable alternative to the pharmacy" for consumers who find that nostrums work better in the absence of ingredient lists.
The website is in German. What say you, Google Translate?
I am not sure if "joint custody tablets" are to be taken in the event of an amicable family separation, or to ensure such a separation. An uncharitable observer might speculate that the company received complains about erectile-dysfunction tablets not working, and decided to rebrand them, based on their actual effect.
The construction Mc-'X' usually denotes a second-grade, cut-price, fast-food travesty of the unmodified 'X'. It is used in the same sense by -- a recent Indian entry to the ecology of pay-to-publish mockademic grifting -- to advertise the skeevy shoddiness of their "pay us and we'll even write your paper as well as put it on-line" service.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Joint custody tablets are taken to prevent your roommates from bogarting your joints, I'm pretty sure.

Yastreblyansky said...

Then again it could be just the necessary restraint when the joint is jumpin.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

An uncharitable observer might speculate that the company received complains about erectile-dysfunction tablets not working, and decided to rebrand them, based on their actual effect.

But the ad copy now says it works on bones!