If you are like the intrepid Riddled staff, you will have read that sentence and are wondering "What in the name of Odin's Ampullang is the 'Wellness industry'?" You may suspect, by analogy with the 'fitness industry', that the 'wellness' traded in this sector of the economy is not a physical condition (on a par with health or illth), and more an aspirational life-style, marked by commitment and investment and the purchase of accessories. You may be looking around nervously in case some earnest young person is about to accost you with explanations that 'health' is derived from 'hale', which is itself an old form of 'whole' (we all know that conversation). How large is the Wellness Industry, and at what point will Alt-Med hipsters adopt "Big Wellness" as a term of opprobrium?
[Big Wellness -- stolen from Oglaf]
But I should explain. Please to recall that "GcMAFplus" is a new supplier of skin-creams laced with a purportedly-beneficial "Vitamin-D Binding Protein". It showed up earlier this year to fill the ecological niche left vacant when the producer of "MAFactive" ran into legal entanglements. In US markets it is branded as "GlycoPlus" (to assuage the purists who insist that GcMAF ≠ VDBP) and purveyed through webstores with titles like
and "purelivinghealthandwellness"
. Right now, though, we are going to review the Australian distributors of the stuff.

Anni Diamond -- Cancer Guide, Transformational Success Coach, erstwhile beauty-salonist and organiser of Cancer Scamborees -- is more successful at monetising her fantasy life, demonstrating that characters can escape into the world from a Tom Sharpe novel and still make a success of their new existence. Her webstore is
because what else would it be called?Then a challenger appears! -- as they are wont to do! -- in the form of
. The shill for Big Wellness in this case turns out to be Tasmania Woman, Lucy Corrigan (backed by the BL & L Corrigan Family Trust). This inspired the following
If brain-fade is driving you manic
While ticks send you into a panic
Improve your emotions
With special skin lotions
You buy from a lady Tasmanic.
An alternative couplet was rejected on grounds of good taste, tempting though it was to rhyme "chrism" and "jizm". 400 quatloos to the first reader to suggest a decent rhyme for 'unguent'!
Joining the Lymerati takes special dedication in Australia, for the continent is lacking in Lyme Disease, Acute or otherwise. Though it can boast of a diaspora of shonky clinics where
So at right is Lucy from a few months ago, announcing her intention to turn professional. The venue was a 'GcMAF Products Australia' FaceBonk group she admins, so the announcement was well-lampshaded and no-one was surprised. Things have changed since GcMAF first arrived on the scene three years ago -- when
I am just surprised that Lyme Disease and Morgellons were omitted from the lists of conditions responding to GcMAF.The FaceBukkake also hosts the "Vector-borne Illness Community Action Network" site, established at the same time --
a newly established networking group whose aim is to connect and empower individuals, activities, events, organisations, advocacy and political campaigns within our Australian vector-borne illness community.
Ticks: Much maligned
- Vindication & Recognition of Chronic Lyme self-diagnoses.
- Mainstream medicine is evil, and corrupt, and has failed to develop a cure, and the portions are so small.
- There should be a vaccine for Lyme Disease, and vaccines are evil.
- Long-term IV antibiotics have horrible side-effects -- thanks, Mainstream Medicine! -- and the Lyme-Literate quacks who prescribe them are martyrs to the cause.
- Holistic / complementary / functional modalities of healing are the way forward, but our state of incurable disability must be recognised.
Hadid, who was diagnosed in 2012, underwent the TVAM ( Transvascular Autonomic Modulation) procedure, in which a catheter is inserted into the jugular vein. A balloon is inflated so it stretch the vein, in doing so transferring energy to the nerve fibers along the outside of the vein. The treatment aims to relieve patients of Lyme disease symptoms, including fatigue, cognitive function, energy levels, bladder and bowel function....or else it's an advertisement for some scamfest / trades-fair. With occasional advertisements for the wonderful GcMAFplus products from
The surgery came a few days after Hadid revealed she had consulted with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, lead clinician at the Sophia Health Institute in Woodinville, Wash., and the founder and chairman of the Institute for Neurobiology in Germany and Switzerland.
“Homebound with a grateful heart,” Hadid wrote on Instagram Friday. “Thank you Dr. Klinghardt for bringing me to and shining light on the finishing line of my health journey.”
. Imagine my surprise to find Lucy Corrigan as the admin of the site.For bonus ensuing hilarity, here's Lucy defending GcMAF from the attempts by Drs Marco Ruggiero and Dietrich Klinghardt to traduce it. The former was instrumental in pushing GfMAF into its current central place in the Alt-Med scammocopoeia, before he renounced it -- realising that anyone could claim to be selling the stuff -- and shifted his enthusiasm to a new product Rerum, assembled from cheap ingredients and under his exclusive control.
The gist is roughly as follows:
-- Rerum is a total rip-off, lacking immunomodulatory properties, and without the
-- Klinghardt is a corrupt untrustworthy sell-out who is only disparaging GcMAF because it competes with his own quackery scams as advertised on my VICAN FB site.
Evidently Chronic Lyme Disease increases one's tolerance of cognitive dissonance.
[Thx Dora]

BONUS WELLNESS (and Oglaf-stealing)!!
Distilled from the laughter of the maids of France, it'll make a hopeless cripple dance.
Meh. To listen to the dulcet tones of Alex Harvey, younglings.
Brilliant summary.
(PS: sorry about the tardiness of my response - I've been busy chasing ticks.)
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