We are designing a circuit for communication with DNA and we hypothesize that cancer can be cured via this method.

The author of "A Mathematical Model for DNA" rests his hope of chromosomal colloquy on an analogy between DNA molecules and electrical circuitry, with base pairs variously filling the roles of capacitors, resistors and diodes, while the telomere ribose chains are the ULF aerials. Although the bases are also one-dimensional point-like hexagonal manifolds arrayed along a one-dimensional manifold. Meanwhile delta functions and integral signs are force-marched across the page like a diaspora of stooped weeping refugees.
This is of interest to the Riddled Research Laboratory and Musuem of Hay-baling Technology, for it comes perilously close to rediscovering the proprietory methods which power the Riddled Evolvamat.

Below: Raquel Welch and fellow nano-nauts
ignore conversational gambits from chromosomes

The crux or gist of "A Mathematical Model for DNA" -- the crist of it, even -- is that cancer occurs when a base acquires or loses an atom from its central molecular-model hexagon, so the now-heptagonal or pentagonal nature of its one-dimensional manifold alters the frequency of that chromosome's transmissions, thereby propagating the defect to the corresponding chromosome in neighbouring cells. I do not think that this is how cancer works and we can only conclude Sepehri's chromosomes have lied to him in the course of their conversations. However, it does provide an excuse to break out the Alchemical Wedding imagery (yay!)... for Sepehri concludes that if a male and female both suffer from cancer, they can prevent the progress of the disease by staying in close proximity -- because the EM signatures of their respective XY and XX sex-chromosome pairs will cancel out and rectify each other's errant frequencies (radiating as they do with opposite signs). I am not making this up.
FIG. 27: To remove extra signals of a damaged DNA in males, we can use of damaged DNA in females

Finally, if we put a damaged DNA molecule of a male or a female near a damaged DNA of a female or male, their radiated waves cancel the effect of each other and disease progression is stopped. This is because the types of packing of DNA are different in some chromosomes of men and women and consequently their signals have opposite signs and can cancel the effect of each other in a pair.The descent of the Male and Female principles into the night-of-the-soul state of Nigredo or Putrefactio -- to be mutually healed and completed within hermaphroditic union -- is Serious Business and should not be tried at home. It requires a decent-sized alembic; also the Male and Female principles often struggle when they realise what is about to happen.
Also, why were we not previously appraised that Luc Montagnier had collaborated with Emilio Del Giudice on a paper of water-bending fritillary calenture hatstand?
A pair of watery reciprocating cranks

Del Giudice never recovered his health and sanity after his attempts to reconstruct the Waterbox ("probably the most delicate and fragile instrument ever made by human hands") -- invented but poorly-documented by de Selby as a way of diluting water to a point where it could be handled safely. "There is more to water than meets the eye," wrote de Selby, by way of explaining why three heavy coal-hammers were destroyed during its construction.
Here Zerros demonstrates the proper way of communicating with the genetic memories of water.
[H/t Jef Arenzon]
* If you are in possession of such equipment please hand it into the nearest police station.
Rule 34 mandates "decent-sized alembic" direct to guitar porn. IMHO, there is no indecent size for an alembic.
Well, I didn't know it was Doctor Smut. Sorry!
...Did you say something about DNA being "one-dimensional"? I thought that only happened in math? Or space? How can a thing be one-dimensional if it is inside us???
I am becoming frightened.
Well, I didn't know it was Doctor Smut. Sorry!
The academic spam is addressed to 'Doctor' or 'Valued researcher' so it must be true.
How can a thing be one-dimensional if it is inside us???
Ah well, a sheet of paper is still two-dimensional even if you crumple it up in 3D reality. The Flatlanders living on the paper don't notice the difference.
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