What are you on about, Uncle Smut?
Have you been smoking the dried leeches again?
Have you been smoking the dried leeches again?
The title is redolent of Freedumbness
and survivalist asshattery.
and survivalist asshattery.
Indeed it is! As yet there is no entry for Mr Landry at the Encyclopedia of American Loons, but the RationalWiki entry will serve our purposes, limning his position within the Truther-Industrial Economy. As an Alex Jones wannabee, his challenge is to compete for that audience of paranoid-ideation soft-heads who have spare moneys to donate (as reward for sufficiently exciting and sufficiently implausible conspiracy theories). It is an increasingly crowded market and an increasingly contested resource. Landry selectively
The entry does not mention the antisemitism (Soros = world gubblement = Elders of Zion!!) nor the Godwin-level racism (swarthy immigrants = a disease!!), but perhaps these can just be taken as read.
I am especially drawn to the "EuropeReloaded" satellite site, staked out in mid-2016. For Mr Landry has set out to diversify... perhaps in the hope of capturing some of those sweet cash-for-vaccine-disnfo roubles, though one can only speculate. EuropeReloaded has the same colour scheme, style sheets and regrettable graphical / layout decisions as TLB. A Branch Editor handles some of the content

It is my experience that any site or twitterer with a nym centred on 'reloaded' will be on the wrong side of the borderline of fascism, and this case here is no exception; "Europe Reloaded" proves to mean "Aryan-only, purged of dusky Southrons". Mr Landry also runs "UK Reloaded", which is 99.94% Islamophobia, but in the absence of a Branch Editor the dumb fuckknuckle hasn't updated it since 2016.*
Now TLB / EuR were behind a recent antivax scamboree, "Spotlight on HPV Vaccines", which is what brought them to the attention of the Riddled Working Group for Dendrogramma Taxonomy and Indoor Curling, when we met last night at The Old Entomologist. Just look at it!
Today I and The Liberty Beacon Project are so proud to present a conference that is well past due. This conference is facilitated by one of TLB’s most prolific and well researched authors/contributors … Christina England, a recognized expert on vaccines and vaccine harm, has brought together globally renowned researchers/experts to … TELL the TRUTH!Is it not a thing of beauty?

So this post is really about antivaxation?
You seem to have buried the lede, Uncle Smut.
More a case of bricking the lede into a niche in the catacombs, having lured it down there with promises of a cask of Amontillado.
The line-up of speakers is a cavalcade of clown-cars. A charivari of charlatans, if you prefer, with Alt-Med fraudsters as far as the eye can see; "mainstream medical opinions" were not a priority.
- Keynote speaker - Dr. Graham Downing - Consultant healthcare practitioner with areas of expertise in Neuro-musculoskeletal & Functional Medicine, with special interest in infection, fertility, endocrine & neuro-developmental disorders
- Brandy Vaughan - Ex-Merck pharma rep turned REAL HEALTH advocate. Founder of LearnTheRisk.org #beBRAVE #betheCHANGE
- Leslie Carol Botha - Womans Health Educator and Hormone Expert - USA
- Dr. Jayne Donegan MBBS DRCOG DCH DFFP MRCGP MFHom - GP & Homoeopathic Physician with Certified Specialist Accreditation in Medical Homeopathy from the Faculty of Homeopathy, London.
- Senta Depuydt - Belgian free-lance journalist in health and education, writing for independent magazines. She organized the premiere of Vaxxed in Brussels, Paris and London in partnership with the EFVV and rallied French lobbyists to oppose new vaccine mandates in France. She is a board member of the French "Ligue Nationale pour la Liberté de Vacciner" and of the "European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance".
- Anthony Hughes - B.Sc Dip.Chem.Eng., Dip.Stats. & O.R. Licentiate in Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical Certificate (Nanjiing) China
- Juliette Scarfe - Lawyer and Entrepreneur, Organic Formulator, Writer, Speaker, Healer, Holistic Nutritionist UK
- Professor Christopher Exley PhD - Keele University - Expert in Aluminum UK (filmed interview with Christina England)
- Steven Hinks - representing the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID), who will be speaking about their work and introducing Ruby Shallom and Christy Cormack, two young ladies who have been severely injured by the vaccine.
- Christina England BA Hons - Research Journalist and Author
- Amanda Dew BSc Hons - Mother of HPV Vaccine Injured Child
Jayne Donegan appeared some years ago as an expert witness at an unsuccessful court bid (and an unsuccessful appeal) to have vaccination withheld from two children, against their fathers' wishes. The original judge and the appeals judge engaged in friendly judicial competition to ridicule her testimony most memorably, with terms like "junk science" and "confused in her thinking". However, a subsequent panel of the Medical Council allowed Donegan to retain her medical practice. They concluded that when she cherry-picked papers from the literature to support non-vaccination, and traduced or invented the contents of those papers, she was not motivated by her deeply-held convictions (which would count as Professional Misconduct), and was merely applying routine dishonesty or incompetence in the service of her clients, i.e. motivated by venality.
The scamboree's instigator, a career antivax fabulist and poster-girl for Munchausen-by-Proxy, is proudest of her exploits as apologist for infanticide - crusading on behalf of prison inmates, with her theory that their babies' bones broke and their brains bled spontaneously (notably Amanda Sandowsky and Alaia S) on account of vaccine-induced vitamin deficiency.
"About Christina England: Christina was born and educated in London, U.K. After taking an A Level in Psychology and a BTEC in Learning Support, Ms. England spent many years researching vaccines and adverse reactions. She gained a Higher National Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies and in 2016 she gained a BA Hons degree in Literature & Humanities. She currently writes for VacTruth, Health Impact News, GreenMedInfo, The Liberty Beacon, Vaccine Impact and Medical Kidnap on immunization safety and efficacy. She has co-authored the book, Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis – Are Parents Being Falsely Accused? with Dr. Harold Buttram and Vaccination Policy and the UK Government: The Untold Truth with Lucija Tomljenovic PhD, which are sold on Amazon."
But we should not forget England's other claims to fame! These include fueling the slow-motion civil war in Chad (by providing one side with fabrications about vaccination-campaign disasters to weaponise in its propaganda against the govt. side), which we can agree is a kind of accomplishment. Also, the England Hypothesis. I am not making this up:
According to the England Hypothesis, vaccine injury-induced autism is an intentional chemical manipulation used to create millions of worker drones – sterile, docile, unable to question the conditions handed to them for their lives, content with boring, repetitive tasks, placid, disposable and interchangeable. In short, autists are the ‘deltas’ and ‘epsilons’ of the brave New World Order toward which we are being herded through intentional social, political and genetic manipulation consistent with the genocidal aspirations of the globalists and their horrifying Agenda 21.We can safely skip over the history of the term "encephalitic cry". Much could be said about England's role in elevating this combination of words to become a shibboleth within the antivax scholium of thought, with true believers collectively convincing themselves that it is a genuine recognised medical symptom, but TL;DW.
Christopher Exley - England's interlocutor in the filmed interview that was played at the meeting - has strong views on the neurotoxicity of aluminium, and has previously featured at Riddled. He presents himself as Serious Scientist. It remains to be seen which of the two lost more credibility by agreeing to an interview with the other.
* Mr Landry's attempt to monetarise his audience's contamination phobias by way of a heavy-metal blood-test medscam seems to have gone tits-up at some point, though nothing of value was lost.For completeness I should also mention his TLBtv 'network' (which is to say, a Youtube repository). A common conviction among Truthers is that they are Television Broadcasters, i.e. they record rants and upload them to Youtuba. This may spring from their mistrust of the dark arts of 'reading' and 'writing' (which can so easily be vectors for sinister Obama mind-control messages), and their preference for the immediacy and rapid information transfer of the spoken word.
UPDATE: One corollary of the phenomenon of Crank Magnetism is that Crank Magnets will find one another. So we shouldn't be too surprised to find that Roger Landry is BFF with 'Mel Ve' (Melani Vermay): already noted at Riddled for her advocacy of the SwissIndo scam, and the QEG 'free energy' scam, and the Sovereign Citizen scam, and Sacha Stone's entire sprawling archipelago of scams. Her 'Conscious Consumer Network' (a hosting service for online rants) is a grifter-friendly environment.
Mel Ve was South African before she became a citizen of the New Age of Libertarius, and her longest-standing concern is about non-white persons in Sud Afrika being able to vote. More information can be found courtesy of the Hoaxtead Researchers.
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