Wednesday, December 26, 2018

He's found the awful truth, Balthazar
He's found the saucer news

Arthur Clarke once mused in an essay somewhere (can't be arsed looking up the details) about faking a threat of alien invasion, as the best way to end the Cold and Hot Wars by uniting the superpowers against a common foe. Other manifestations of this trope include
Clarke and the others were hopelessly naive optimists, blithely oblivious to the fact that any alien invaders (whether real, or filmed by Stanley Kubrick inna Hollywood backlot with lots of CGI from Weta Workshop) would meet with overtures from rightwing Nouveau-Vichy politicians, offering their skills as Quislings and sugar-mine overseers. But anyway, we can agree that the "Genghis Gambit" is a familiar concept, even without checking at TVTropes.

“Just as the momentous events of the past cast their shadows down the ages, so now, when the sun is drawing toward the dark,our own shadows race into the past to trouble mankind's dreams.” And the most parsimonious explanation for these fictional False-Flag Invasions is that they echo an actual faked alien invasion -- one which has not yet occurred (the morphogenic field cares nothing for temporal directionality). Or such is the conclusion drawn by the Riddled Ktistec Machine, when we provided it with the 60-year sequence of data points, from 1948 to 2011. However, the Ktistec Machine was unable to estimate the likely date of this future event.

So this link was ominous though obscure. It caught my eye partly because Mainstream Historians record Wernher von Braun as dying in 1977:
I'm curious if the elites plan to stage an alien invasion as a way to consolidate global power.
It sounds kind of out there, but Wernher von Braun did say, shortly before his death in 1976, that the elites would do this as a final play.
Things were clarified (for certain values of 'clarity') by an email sent by Edgar Mitchell -- New Age parapsychologist and Apollo XIV astronaut -- to presidential confidante John Podesta, inviting Podesta to a Skype session to discuss Zero Point Energy (!) and the demilitarisation of space. In passing he mentioned his colleague Dr. Carol Rosin. It is a cryptic little message, but to dedicated conspiracist initiates who are familiar with the background, it speaks in a deafening "Shaka, when the walls fell" manner. Podesta did not take up the invitation.

BREAKING: WikiLeaks Releases New Emails Exposing Clinton’s & Podesta’s Knowledge Of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

Welcome to the reinvention of Wernher von Braun as a man of peace, a convert to the cause of space disarmament, and whistle-blower against the power-usurping encroachments of the New World Orderlies! I am not making this up.

So the backstory consists of von Braun -- belatedly woke, but retired and stricken with cancer -- becoming privy to the long-term plans of the Global Elite to consolidate power, legitimise their rule and militarise space by conjuring up a series of adversaries, culminating in an extraterrestrial False Flag. He did not use his status as Architect of Apollo or his access to the media to publicise his concerns before dying; nor did he record them in written or recorded form... he opted instead to share them sub rosa with his protégée Carol Rosin, who was then a manager in Fairchild Industries as well as von Braun's assistant and self-appointed spokeswoman, and the only source for any of this.

Rosin left the aerospace company in the year of her mentor's death and set about lobbying for the continued neutrality of space, founding the Institute for Security & Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS) in 1983 and recruiting Edgar Mitchell to the cause. She did not mention von Braun's revelations until a 2004 interview.
He repeated this continuously. He would say that starting where I entered the industry with the supposed Russian threat, but never actually existed ­ the Russians were made to be the enemy. Then there would be terrorists, Third World country threats, there would be an asteroid threat.
They might even say to us to try to influence the public into believing that there are many reasons for why we should put weapons in space. There might be a reason to protect our assets in space.
But, the real one that he was always holding off on and would say again with tears filling his eyes every time he said this to me repeatedly was that the last card they are holding is the 'alien card,' the extraterrestrial card and none of them are hostile.
Dr Rosin is further convinced that aliens do exist, but are benevolent. She has deduced that von Braun shared that belief but was too scared to mention it
I have felt that since this happened, since I learned from the heart of von Braun, that this huge secret is being kept ­ it has to have something to do with the 'off-planet culture,' that I call OPC phenomenon ­ that in fact, it was so real that this man could hardly talk about this big secret and did not because of the threats to his life and probably to the lives of others who worked with him who might or might not have known.
'None of them are hostile. It's all a lie.'
This von-Braun / Aliens / False-Flag narrative is not universally familiar within the conspiracy-ideation subculture, despite its obvious potential as a single, self-contained tessera of Secret History waiting to be used as a building-block in the construction of the Alternative-Reality mosaic of your choice. It did not manifest, for instance, in the agenda of the Ship-of-Fools ConspiraSea Cruise.

Supporters of the narrative are generally the Trump-fellating kind of Truthers. They are vast, and contain multitudes, and can simultaneously (a) sound the warning against a globalist false-flag plan to militarise Outer Space, and (b) support their idol's overt plan to militarise Outer Space.

Clearly the narrative is no longer a well-kept secret. Nevertheless, its subtextual presence in Mitchell's message to Podesta (by way of the Carol Rosin name-drop) was especially dispositive in Truther circles, because the email was part of the Wikileaks stolen data-dump -- providing a frisson of excitement from reading someone's private correspondence, which is seen as authentication.

In 2001, ISCOS begat ICIS -- the Institute for Cooperation in Space -- which was basically Rosin and Alfred Lambremont Webre. At some point after 2010, ICIS dropped Webre from the board and morphed back into ISCOS.

We mention the involvement of Alfred Webre as he is a Person of Interest to the Mad Scientist Anti-Defamation League, on account of his eccentric but entertainingly inclusive worldview, in which Earth's independence teeters in a precarious balance between contending galactic empires and federations and power-bases (it is possible that he was exposed to James Blish juvenalia at a susceptible age). It is not clear how Webre reconciles all this with the ostensible warnings about scare-mongering with fake aliens.
ET Council: War with grey-Draco reptilian ETs is won, no false flag ET invasion
My 1970s meeting with DARPA's Project Pegasus secret time travel program
Andromeda Council: East China Sea 6.9 quake - undersea reptilian base destroyed
Webre seeks out the company of con-men and scammers, as if drawn by Crank Magnetism. He has promoted the self-seeking fantasies of Charles Seven, and is part of the Truther accretion disk swirling around the Hampstead Satanic Cannibalism hoax. But the central element in his performative artistic practice (and his self-brand point of difference from other Alt-Reality grifters) is Tesla Time-Travel technology, which has fallen into the hands of the Global Elite who are misusing it to construct an empire that extends in time as well as space, I've read that book. Anyway, Webre retired from ICIS to spend more time campaigning against the HAARP ionosphere probe [and submarine-communication project] weather-control / mind-control / earthquake trigger / soul-prison device... undeterred by the public access and open days there, which are obvious cover-ups.

Institute for Cooperation in Space (2001-2011)[edit]

Alfred Webre and Dr. Carol Rosin founded the Institute for Cooperation in Space (ICIS) in 2001, as an outgrowth of the former ISCOS, Institute for Cooperation and Security in Space.[18] The ICIS mission is to educate decision-makers and the grassroots about why it is important to ban space weapons.
Through the help of former Congressman Dennis Kucinich, the Space Preservation Act was originally introduced into the 107th Congress on October 2, 2001 (HR 2977) and included provisions banning "extraterrestrial" weapons, as well as chemtrails and "exotic weapons systems" such as HAARP. [19] A revised Space Preservation Act (HR 3657) eliminating the prohibitions on space-based extraterrestrial, chemtrails, and exotic weapons systems was introduced to the 108th Congress on January 23, 2002.
Alfred Webre resigned from the Board of Directors of ICIS on January 1, 2011 to focus on a treaty to ban HAARP, which he alleges to be a weapon.[20]

There is a troubling corollary here. This could all be a feint within a feint... a whole collection of False Flags sewn together into a Moebius Strip. The effect of familiarising and desensitising people to the prospect of a faked ET invasion is that when the actual malevolent ET onslaught begins, the warnings will be dismissed as a fictive simulation until it is too late.

Who are Carol Rosin and Alfred Lambremont Webre really working for??!

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