And who can disagree that the emergence of partially completed lycanthromorph from the corn field in which one was expecting a learned discourse upon "Echinoderms: evolutionary dead end or I've seen the future, Jim" and 60's trivia Monstermash-up night, would be alarming.
This is what happens when you outsource the administration of The Library and the new people say "Let's sit down and discuss the pixie demands, they're so cute."
Also who is going to pay for the damage to my Erasmus Darwin costume? I am unwilling to trust the Pixie and Affiliated Trades members who assure me that they have an agreement with some shoemaker elves and how hard can it be to make clothes?
P.S. Naxi surfpunk Gods are at the door asking if this is Venice. Does it look like Venice I ask. What's Venice they vouchsafe. I did not think that this would end well.
Erasmus Darwin offered the first glimpse of his theory of evolution, obliquely, in a question at the end of a long footnote to his popular poem The Loves of the Plants (1789), which was republished throughout the 1790s in several editions as The Botanic Garden. His poetic concept was to anthropomorphize the stamen (male) and pistil (female) sexual organs, as bride and groom. In this stanza on the flower Curcuma (also Flax and Tumeric) the "youths" are infertile, and he devotes the footnote to other examples of neutered organs in flowers, insect castes, and finally associates this more broadly with many popular and well-known cases of vestigial organs (male nipples, the third and fourth wings of flies, etc.)
...could we have a look at your costume, and in particular the damage to nipples and other vestigial organs?
Look, I'm just about old enough, mean enough and drunk enough to dismantle into basic component parts anybody who wants to step up here and call my nipples "vestigial".
Bring it, sez EYE!@
See my newsletter, Miss Busty and the Vestigal Nipples
The saddest aspect of AK's predicament is that until it is remedied he is barred from the Old Entomologist where they are strict in their enforcement of the "No dogs or relict populations of chelicotheres" rule. And in his absence who will drink the keg of Ginseng-&-Mandragora Special Stout that has just turned up on the hand-pump? Very sad NOM NOM NOM
...anybody who wants to step up here and call my nipples "vestigial"
well, you know, we're perfectly willing to take your word for it that they're not (vestigial, that is).
WV fogracth (yeah, right!)
Hey some G+M stout could be put into someones bowl and left on the porch with no trouble
See my newsletter, Miss Busty and the Vestigal Nipples
I thought that was VS's band.
They could sing Plasmatics / Wendy O. covers.
some G+M stout could be put into someones bowl and left on the porch
Certain family members were very shirty with me a few years ago when they discovered that someone had written "Doktorling Sonja" around the edge of one of the cat bowls.
"Let's sit down and discuss the pixie demands, they're so cute."
On a cost basis this beats all the earlier trouble with shaken pixie syndrome.
Does it look like Venice I ask.
Is this like "the sound of one hand clapping", 'cause I always get that one wrong (kind of "whooshie", right?)
They could sing Plasmatics / Wendy O. covers.
Those were the first of my favorited youtubes to be disappeared by the fascists.
C'mon mikey, you aren't using at least 4 of your nipples.
I demand photographic proof of the existence of library pixies. Are they cute? Inquiring minds want to know.
Also--feel better!
By 'library pixies' do you mean T&U?
Also, I saw elbow play live last night. Was good. BBBB said you linked from VS's blog.
No, no, no. T&U is super-pretty and hawt and all, but she is not cute. I demand CUTE PIXIES!!!!!
Library pixies should look a little like this
But less sad and more impish.
Hey, which awesome artist did that manip? I WONDER...
Yo exford. I have recently discovered Elbow. I haz a facebook friend Ang who saw them live last week and now you! I sure this means something
VS teh awesome sad pixie is how they look in wage negotiations. A picture of the library pixies, ACTUALLY WORKING can be seen here
My mom thinks I'm cute!
VS teh awesome sad pixie is how they look in wage negotiations.
That's pretty funny. :D
So, you guys like to stiff pixies? That's not very nice.
My mom thinks I'm cute!
LOL! OK, ok! You're cute...but just not pixie cute. Pixies are more asexual. I have declared it!
Stiffing the pixie?
Truly, I am not offended, VS. :) Pixies are all big-eyed and shit. I am not.
Stiffing the pixie
Pixies are all big-eyed and shit. I am not.
The evidence says otherwise.
Pixies are part of the problem.
the third and fourth wings of flies
Uh, flies gots two wings... sheesh, they're Diptera.
No dogs or relict populations of chelicotheres"
My Moropus and I shall take our custom elsewhere!
Uh, flies gots two wings
Ah, the halteres are teh vestiges of the 3rd and 4th wings. Erasmus is way ahead of you.
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